School Computer Symposium

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Keane 16

.. have my annual comp symposium in school in october. Since none of the 12thies this year are in the comp club(or atleast arent active members), the management will most probably be my responsibility....... Its the biggest computer symposium in delhi (actually is)..... And we need sponsors(like evgery damn year) ... so if any of you guys have any contacts in any companies or anything in marketing/advt, please gimme their nos. ! Maybe TE could advertise itself ? Not into business much but it might be a good investment ... TE sponsors >> Gets a LOT more members... i mean, who doesn't need help with troubleshooting >>more ad-sense revenue ?

Also, i need help with setting up the BYC gaming event .... Know any webbies where i can learn how to make my comp the dedicated server for running a game ? (aka how to start a lan party) ..
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