Storage Solutions Seagate 7200.10 in Nagpur?

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Guys with all pains in my heart i'm leaving home day after tomorrow and landing safins land - nagpur on monday for my college.
i'll be back home with a month on holidays puja holidays.
so what i was asking is the availiability of this HDD in nagpur and the cost of it.
Dealers in KOL are a pain as they normally dont have this hdd.

I also wanna know the part no of the 16mb variant of the 7200.10 320 gb series .

One more thing i wanna know is is it safe buying HDD from nagpur? and expecting the warranty anywhere in India cuz my dad games now like 4 hours a day CRAZY! and if it dies he might as well want to get it replaced somewhere near my home.. :)
thanks for ur time guys,
Nagpur is not exactly like a small town. U can get the HDD there at Silver Systems. Also no issues with warrant. I guess u know the warranty now a days is manufacturing warranty. So check the part number at seagates site for the time u have lost. Most probably its < 3 months.
Josh can we meet down there and we both go and buy?
if you know the dealers there it wud help me too as u'll intrroduce me.
i'll be grateful :D tada.
do lemme know.
Thanks for ur efforts man. repped ya. any chance of u being in nagpur within a month or so?
i have pmed safin too :D lets see :D.
when it comes to new hardwares with new dealers i am a bit reluctant buying alone myself as i have always faced difficulties.
OT :

good to see so many people from Nagpur here ...I dint know Safin was from NGP.

Raipur is pretty close to NGP ....will try meeting u guys sometime.

dont worry bout the warranty as seagate offers ALL India warranty on HDD's and that too for 5 years.
Intel Itanium 5 @ 2500 GHz in nagpur :P
Seagate 7200.10 in Nagpur?
What sort of title is that baboo?? :P

nagpur is like jabalpur's twin man, and not small at all. I used to get a lot of stuff for my shop from there after we stopped making trips to delhi (nehru place). Seagate has a disti there as well, look em up...
I still feel the 9 and 10 series are equally good unless u want like 500 gigs (or more) after which 9 series don't have an answer...

don't be afraid dada (typically bong trait) :P hum hei naaa....
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