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(Pics courtesy : Home - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News)
Quick specs:
500GB / 320GB / 250GB
4GB SLC NAND cache
2.5" form factor
7200 rpm
MSRP (USD) : 156$ / 132$ / 113$
(JFYI, Newegg pricing when I checked was about 130$ for the 500GB variant)
Good to see someone taking Hybrid drives seriously again after the earlier flop

Oddly enough, the Anandtech review is a thumbs up for the drive, while the THG review seems to show it in poor light. What gives?
Agree with Anand's conclusion.. Desktop users might have better options, *but* the one place this drive will find very good acceptance is in a single-bay laptop. When looking for performance options on a laptop, up until now its only been SSDs with pretty stingy capacities. This should help even things out.
Crossing fingers and hoping Seagate gets this to India (and at a good price too!).