Storage Solutions Seagate or WD or ...

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I have been a long term Seagate user. For some reason almost every other company's drive has given me problems in the past- MAxtor, WD, Samsung, etc.
After a long time, I am in the market for a new 1TB external 2.5 drive, and get a feel from dealers and online stores that WD offers better drives and after sale service (ofcourse this is relevant only if the drive dies!). Can anyone confirm the aft sale service quality for Seagate and WD or Toshiba for that matter?
Also, how is the product quality itself? Is Seagate more reliable than WD nowadays?

Thanks in Advance
seagate always give refurbish drive after rma abut wd will give u new seal pack drive .RMA of wd is easy than sea gate .
My Experience : WD Replaced my 160GB with 320 GB, that eventually showed bad sectors too (But that was due to frequent, Electricity 'Swaha' :stop:). The BadSectors were logical as per HDD regenerator but its still alive and working fine since 2008 . As for Seagate was pita :stinkyfeet: they gave me refurbished HDD which died a month ago corrupting all my data to 0's .
Seagate Wd both are at par with drive quality with similar warranties . Rma for wd is hassle free . Wd 2.5 drives are soldered to case and can not be used as internal drive while seagate bakup plus offer flexibility with type of connectors e.g.USB thunderbolt FireWire seats etc . it also can be used to connect to internal sata connector . Also seagate offers ntfs drivers for Mac bundled . So if connectivity options are important and compatibility across Mac windows is factor then seagate . If rma service is critical then Wd is good . I went with seagate for Connectivity and compatibility . I also own Wd drive
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