@shravank30 updated the formula. You need to populate (drag) the "Decimals" column if you add more stuff to column B.
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See my 2nd attachment. That is the most dynamic solution, without using VBA. It pulls out the decimal, creates a unique list of decimals and then pulls the respective counts. It can be easily expanded beyond 115 rows.
@shravank30 updated the formula. You need to populate (drag) the "Decimals" column if you add more stuff to column B.
@asingh I use arrays for all of my personal excel work but stick to simple formulas if an excel file is supposed to be shared with others.
I counted values in the increment of 0.5 as it was OP's requirement.
I think the original data is in multiples of 5 paise as mentioned in op!
Mmm. @gauravH 's solution is elegant. Make sure to add up the counts of rows and occurrences to make sure you are catching all decimals. If you have something not in the range of .05, it might not work. Change B2 to "108.11"; and the count will get less. So keep re-checking.Else the count list should be expanded for all values possible, or I can update my sheet for 1000 row depth.
Could you explain for further use how you set up your sheet?
Yea, sure. Ask what you are not-clear about. I can tell, of course.
1. Checking for unique digits ( SUMPRODUCT((COUNTIF(C2:$C$115,C2)=1)*1)
What exactly does this do, If Countif = 1, then ? I am a little confused with SUMPRODUCT, doesn't it require a range?
2. Extraction of all the unique digits