See the Gr8 Khali Crushing The Undertaker

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I would have loved this news back in the 7th standard. I had WWF cards, video games on my 8-bit nintendo and video cassettes of all the special leagues. What were they called? Say, anyone remember Shaun Michaels?
tracerbullet said:
I would have loved this news back in the 7th standard. I had WWF cards, video games on my 8-bit nintendo and video cassettes of all the special leagues. What were they called? Say, anyone remember Shaun Michaels?

he still wrestles... and its Shawn Michaels.... lol
tracer........u reminded me of trump cards....asked my mom to bring one.......

and damn she brought of indian

also i was caught once with wwe postcards..and all were torn......and i got a tight slap......lolz
ahhh.. me been watching wwe(wwf earlier) from 5th class :P lol it used to come on star sports then.

Anyway no one comes near stone cold. the best champ there ever was ;) lol And HBK too .. damn and rock too ...
Rave said:
he still wrestles... and its Shawn Michaels.... lol

Also called as HBK...
used to cheer him a lot when he wrestles against HHH(i hate this guy).

Anyway undertaker is my all time favourite:cool2:

used like kane when he had the mask and had RVD as his partner... after removing his mask he sux big time and i hate him:@
I would have loved this news back in the 7th standard. I had WWF cards, video games on my 8-bit nintendo and video cassettes of all the special leagues. What were they called? Say, anyone remember Shaun Michaels?

I used to watch it till 6th circa 1994, and I use to love this wrestler called Mr perfect, but yeah wrestling is a big joke, ppl who like it will love all ekta kapoor serials and vice versa.
Aces170 said:
I used to watch it till 6th circa 1994, and I use to love this wrestler called Mr perfect, but yeah wrestling is a big joke, ppl who like it will love all ekta kapoor serials and vice versa.

joke or whatever, its good fast paced entertainment.

where did ekta kapoor come into all this :S
^^Exactly ! Lol Aces how can u compare wwe to ekta kapoor serials ? On one side its Tulsi and Parvati and on the Other side its Trish and Torrie in a Bra & Panty Match :P , Guess who wins ! :P I still Love WWE ! Its Nice and fast paced entertainment ! :)
well 1 thing is sure........chics in ekta kapoor show r more hot than in wwe.......bluffy pray that we get to see b-p matches of wwe in ekta kapoor show too
Safin said:
joke or whatever, its good fast paced entertainment.
where did ekta kapoor come into all this :S
Melodrama = ekta kapoor = wwe
Besides dont get me wrong have hardly seen wrestling lately ( past 10-12 yrs) and have hardly seen ekta kapoor ever...
well wwe is in a diff league. you can't compare that with anything.

yes its all stage managed.. but so are so many other things. bottomline is if its good to watch and you are entertained thats good enough :)

i can't say the same about saas bahu :box:
well 1 thing is sure........chics in ekta kapoor show r more hot than in wwe.......bluffy pray that we get to see b-p matches of wwe in ekta kapoor show too

So True :P !! Thats coz we r desi and the Chics in Ekta Kapoor Show r also Desi ! BTW Judging frm nowadays Music Videos ( Rakhi Sawant anyone :P) , I dont Think Thats Impossible any more !
rakhi sawant :S of all the idiots around. that lady is mental frankly. i can't believe some of the things she talks about on live tv on news shows
She is a brunnette version of a blond, and she is hardly appealing. looks more like a drag popping outta clothes.
rakhi sawant and negar khan............they r peice to f#$% and forget......

my frnds cousin is rakhi sawant......i always tease this guy....hey dude......i have a question for u........did rakhi sawant wore clothes today????..........and he is lik pi$$ off u bast@#$.....

nyways i m waitin to c khali and mark henry match....or with big show........jus for tp sake........
on raw side, its a matter of time for hhh to win imo. they are building it up...

lol HBk matches are gonna get exciting too :P
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