Seedbox Recommendation

Try Pulsed Media

They have cheap prices and good services.

And they have FREE seedboxes too! :D

If you wanna give it a try.. register then choose (Free Seedbox) and wait to get accepted. They'll send you the link to your seedbox when they have a slot available. But you gotta hurry 'cause it's limited.

I tried their services and it was really good.. they have many choices to choose from including seedboxes for starters with really low prices (they even have seedboxes that starts at 2.75 a month!)

That's what I know for now :)

[mod]Attention: This Member was using Affiliate Link(now removed), hence his/her recommendation might be biased. Full discretion is advised [/mod], and i am using all these three services now. all are good and very cheap. For u can deposit the payments to Indian banks also. u dont need a Paypal account. if u need more seedbox company details just let me know. i have a big list as i am using seedboxes from past 3 years.