Seedbox sharing !

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Well people, use the torrentflux interface until there is some solution. We can try our solution adjacent to torrentflux and let you know. Just make sure not to leech large packs (10 gb onwards) cos we may have to delete all files when we're ready with new solution

btw, awesome speed....upped 300 gb + on SCT today and counting
Okay guys, server is finally running at full throttle. 11MBps up and down. Everybody is getting 1.5 MBps up/down(minimum). Consider this as last post relevant to this topic here. We might continue this server next month also so interested members can start showing their interest. Next server comes online on 26th July.

Existing members : you know where to talk about this server. Please don't post here anymore ;)

root@ns304134:/home/nishu# vnstat -l

Monitoring eth0... (press CTRL-C to stop)

rx: 11936.66 kB/s 11602 rx: 11929.90 kB/s 11846 p/s tx: 9923.88 kB/s 13933 p/s^C

eth0 / traffic statistics

rx | tx


bytes 8.25 GB | 6.42 GB


max 11.70 MB/s | 11.60 MB/s

average 11.62 MB/s | 9.04 MB/s

min 10.15 MB/s | 2.96 MB/s


packets 8598670 | 9901657


max 12777 p/s | 15627 p/s

average 11827 p/s | 13619 p/s

min 10020 p/s | 9066 p/s


time 12.12 minutes

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Guys! This is in appreciation of Akshay, Zander and the other members of our shared seedbox. Thank you Zander, we would not get anywhere if you were not there. Thank you Akshay for setting it up and getting the idea floated. Thanks others for the patience shown.

I have put up downloads for the next 2 days (165GB) and it will take me 10 days to get them to my local server. I am currently getting 3.5 to 4 MegaBytes constantly. I assume that is because no one else is downloading much. Completed 15GB in 2 hours flat!!

I am in for the next month also.
congrats this is wicked!

I want to be considered for next month or if there are others interested - we might get another box?
It's not even a day yet and total data transfer has crossed 1 TB. Currently seeding at 9 MBps

ogin as: manu1991

manu1991@'s password:

Ubuntu 8.04.1 (server)

Linux #5 SMP Wed Apr 1 13:09:49 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

server : 82906

ip :

hostname :

Last login: Sun Jun 28 11:32:32 2009 from

manu1991@ns304134:~$ vnstat

Database updated: Mon Jun 29 06:25:02 2009


received: 546.97 GB (53.6%)

transmitted: 474.36 GB (46.4%)

total: 1.00 TB

rx | tx | total


yesterday 433.74 GB | 307.83 GB | 741.57 GB

today 113.23 GB | 166.53 GB | 279.75 GB


estimated 423.50 GB | 622.85 GB | 1.02 TB

manu1991@ns304134:~$ vnstat -l

Monitoring eth0... (press CTRL-C to stop)

rx: 670.85 kB/s 3110 p/s tx: 9488.35 kB/s 6830 p/s^C

eth0 / traffic statistics

rx | tx


bytes 12.75 MB | 206.41 MB


max 670.85 kB/s | 9.27 MB/s

average 544.21 kB/s | 8.60 MB/s

min 433.34 kB/s | 7.63 MB/s


packets 70697 | 153933


max 3167 p/s | 6871 p/s

average 2945 p/s | 6413 p/s

min 2657 p/s | 5634 p/s


time 24 seconds
I downloaded 178.78GB in a matter of 10 hours on the seedbox. I had to manually slow down the download speed to throttle down the server. Otherwise, it was downloading at 9MBps constantly. The only saddening part is that it will take me 9 days to get it down to my box! I hope that we can get 100Mbps connections in India soon. :ohyeah:
manu1991 said:
Then you wont need the seedbox at all :P

ADSL, your upload speed will be 512Kbps. How you going to seed ?
Your down speed will of course be 100Mbps.
This is the problem with my friends in sweden.

100/100 is commercial connection. You can setup a business ! :hap2:
That's why home connections are 100/0.512 !
yesss, I meant Asymmetric connection.

And seriously 100/100 for home is awesome @ 2000 !

Some time back in history, it seems sweden thought it can generate employment by creating internet infrastructure and stuff like that. That's why that country is fast and cheap.

With BSNL and Airtel hell bent on making money, its never going to happen any time soon. Also infrastructure ! Sucks.
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