You’ll be hard pressed to find a better pair of headphones for the money than the Grado SR60. The upper mids/highs reveal excellent detail, and the bass is solid too.
amigoatul said:Hey Udit.I see in ur sig that u have the Sennheiser 485 cans.Tell me abt its +ve and -ve aspects........
Also have u tested the Grado SR60 cans personally?
LOL, don't buy both mate, buy the HD600 / 650 insteads@dism said:Haven't decided yet, and I might just end up buying both!
u got an answer:cool2: ....equation audio rp21.........grado house sound(for rock and metal), plus decent soundstage(good for movies)...around 99$...dont knwoo about availability in indias@dism said:Kind of struggling with a similar issue. Am debating between a HD555 and Grado SR80. The choice is between getting a headphone best suited for the music I listen to (Grado for rock and metal) vs. getting a good allrounder (since I watch a lot of movies - sennheiser). Haven't decided yet, and I might just end up buying both!