Serious Sam 3: BFE - Discussion Thread

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Continuing the monologue, the game has received decent reviews by far. Eurogamer gave it a 7, GameInformer gave it a 7.75, Metacritic has 41 positive user reviews out of 42 which lends it a 'Universal Acclaim' status.

Seems like Skyrim will have to wait. :|
@Gannu : yes give skyrim the wait ... finish everything u have to before u start with that.

The rating dont matter for a SS game its all about the mayhem. Was playing the SS1:HD a few months back. Cant wait to get my hands on this. Love those headless kamikazes
^Precisely. Serious Sam is all about wrecking havoc and battling countless hordes of monstahs! And no one does it better than Sam. :D

"Give a man a bullet and he'll want a gun. Give a man a gun and he'll be giving away the bullets."

Skyrim deserves a lot of time and patience the way I see it. The entire month of January next year can be dedicated for it (there seem to be no major releases during Jan' 12) and perhaps the last 2 weeks of December as well.

Winter + Skyrim + roasted chicken FTW!
I like the stupid Frogs, just use a minigun and kill them all. Enjoyed it from the first encounter onwards. It was amongst the best games to release your frustation those days. HAHAHA :D
Played a bit this morning and it's the same old Sam. I have never in my life seen so many graphics customisation option, ever in a game. This game has it divided into 3 categories; CPU, GPU & Memory. Each of them have nearly 10-15 options in them to customise according to your hardware. Now this is one game I can say is built, ground up for PC. I could only manage medium settings and experience some micro-stutter issues. Will keep it aside for co-op session. :D

One seriously hilarious instance:

2 suicide bombers drop in and I blow them up.

Sam (imitating the suicie bomber roar): "AAAAAAAAHHHHH! Put a sock in it."

I step a bit further & a whole wave of suicide bombers start parading towards me.

Sam: "Uh-oh!"

Completed the title sometime back on Normal difficulty and it sure was awesome like the previous installments of Serious Sam.

The game serves as a prequel, thus the title BFE which is an abbreviation for Before First Encounter, which essentially explains how Mental forces invade the Earth. The gameplay remains the same - shoot anything that moves. This time around however, we have a different engine (Serious Engine 3.5) that looks visually better and performs equally good without many glitches. However, I found the ammunition, health and armor on the levels to be somewhat scarce compared to the previous titles and thus had to be extremely choosy while selecting the weapon.

Sam's classic humor returns with his cheesy one-liners. His appearance has changed from the previous versions - he seemed to have shed some serious weight and now sports a pair of sunglasses with orange mirrors.

All in all a very good time killer for those who love the franchise. A word of caution though - the last chapter is a serious clusterfcuk!
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