You mani access is done. I did it 2 times. for some reason yesterday it didnt stick :S
I have configuered your id with the password which is pmed to you as there are multiple people using your steam account. I had to make sure the password works so i tried it on my id first and then your id. We dont want unknown and unresponsible person having admin power on server. So after testing i went ahead with work on your steam id. And day before when you told me to give ya access again the TE server was down, so i couldnt retrive your steam id from the PM.
And there are other more important things to do these days too. So it took a day more to configure your id. Actiually anyone with rcon access can program mani including yourself
PS. Deejay dont go kicking player bcoz he does not die of your bullets. Those who teamflash and do stuff like that, slay them. Dont ban or kick everyone who you suspect as cheater/hacker. make a demo insted while spectating. And call any other admin or anyone you know on server to have a look. when you both confirm then kick/ban. Only ban speed hackers on sight as its sooo obvious, for rest be careful.