Sex in Ancient times

2) I Just want to say there are few people, who take only certain sections of the scripture and highlight it. leaving rest of the major part. balanced view is not presented. Scripture do says dharma,artha,kama,moksha as 4 things in life. but our intellectuals take only the 3rd one and exaggerate it and ignore dharma,moksha..

3)yes u have understood wrongly especially when I have summarized my point in 2 lines. I didnt mean sex should be avoided. you can read these links further for elaborate explanation. do read even if it is lengthy.

4) & 5) - when I say hyper sexualized society, it doesnt refer to consensual sex. I am referring to media,magazines, hoardings, internet, of course the choice of dress,ads etc... All activities are initially conceived in the mind,so is rape. And all the said factors do influence our choices consciously or unconsciously. Thats why industries spend millions in ad industry. Rape needs a situation where victim needs to be alone. Even if there are some 2-3 potential rapists in a area, but if there are people around then women will be safe. but if the victim happened to be alone, then there is trouble. Real problem starts with the lusty desires of the mind, which is promoted by media and peers as "COOL and fashionable" thing. Sexual crime or crimes generally is such a thing, initially one shows some restraint. but next time the restraint reduces and over a period of time, it becomes a habit. A person becomes a slave of sexual desires. this is were celibacy training before marriage helps. The person will be in control of sexual desire and not vice versa. as far as consensual sex is concerned, that is a separate discussion. we can take up once we finish up these points.

2) I Just want to say there are few people, who take only certain sections of the scripture and highlight it. leaving rest of the major part. balanced view is not presented. Scripture do says dharma,artha,kama,moksha as 4 things in life. but our intellectuals take only the 3rd one and exaggerate it and ignore dharma,moksha.. - I studied Science, Maths, History, Geography, Languages in school. Studied Marketing, Law, HR and Finance in college and did my postgrad in Finance and Law. I chose what I wanted to follow out of all that was laid in front of me. Shouldn't people have this choice?

A balanced view in my opinion is choosing what you want and NOT judging people who choose something else coz it's different from your choice!

Yes, I ignore Geography! But I don't call names to an Oceanographer just coz he doesn't understand or like corporate finance!

3)yes u have understood wrongly especially when I have summarized my point in 2 lines. I didnt mean sex should be avoided. you can read these links further for elaborate explanation. do read even if it is lengthy.

I am not reading all of the stuff those links... Sorry. I read some part of the links and I absolutely disagree with some of the views.

If you tell me that banning bollywood and hollywood and pornography will stop rapes, I completely disagree. I think that sexual violence has nothing to do with logic or spirituality and it can never be completely stopped because there will always be some humans who will act irrationally. We can educate people and that is the best bet.

Why is it that rapists are almost always uneducated brats? Yes... Some irrational educated people will do it (and thats what makes Humans Humans... not all are alike) but what proportion of India's population is that? And please dont tell me about the high profile 'rapes' which are actually consensual sex turned into 'rape' allegations due to disagreements!

The first article talks about western dresses not being suitable for women and all... Thats absolutely crap!

4) & 5) - when I say hyper sexualized society, it doesnt refer to consensual sex. I am referring to media,magazines, hoardings, internet, of course the choice of dress,ads etc... All activities are initially conceived in the mind,so is rape. And all the said factors do influence our choices consciously or unconsciously. Thats why industries spend millions in ad industry. Rape needs a situation where victim needs to be alone. Even if there are some 2-3 potential rapists in a area, but if there are people around then women will be safe. but if the victim happened to be alone, then there is trouble. Real problem starts with the lusty desires of the mind, which is promoted by media and peers as "COOL and fashionable" thing. Sexual crime or crimes generally is such a thing, initially one shows some restraint. but next time the restraint reduces and over a period of time, it becomes a habit. A person becomes a slave of sexual desires. this is were celibacy training before marriage helps. The person will be in control of sexual desire and not vice versa. as far as consensual sex is concerned, that is a separate discussion. we can take up once we finish up these points.- So, people who do not have celibacy training and who are bollywood fans are potential rapists? So, if I look up at the moon and admire it's beauty, am I a potential astronaut? :p

A person can become a slave of many things! Hell, I am a slave of my official email! If I happen to wake up at 3, I check my work email! Can I avoid doing it? Absolutely! Do I avoid it? No... Coz I enjoy my work!

By that definition, if someone is a slave of sex and obviously he enjoys it, he should have sex everytime he wakes up in the night! If that were true, we would have a lot more rapes!! But that's not true! Because MOST people are rational! And they dont need that 'celibacy training'! Rationality is enough.

So, yes... Talk about making India a 100% literate and rational country and I will agree that it may help reduce rapes! But 'celibacy training' is nonsense in my opinion and I dont think it will serve any purpose!
2) I differ. you studied maths, science, etc in school and some stuff in college. The goal of school or college is to make you a graduate in all subjects. However if some students choose to stay in one class, class 5 or subject say history for years and also propagate to the general public that the goal of the school is to study class 5 or subject history. then that is purely misleading the public about the school, about the students, teachers. Even some students who studied in the school will get offended.
If you want you can live the life you want, but dont justify it by quoting scriptures, especially when those people not even touched it. This is my point.

3) well, If you are not reading, you wont get the complete idea. I never said banning bolly,holly or porn. I never offered such external solutions. Rather I said about natural,voluntary and a pleasurable solution. Sexual violence can be stopped through spirituality, provided we take to it in the first place. there are many people who have given up intoxication, illicit sex, gambling, through spirituality. I dont think there exists a stats about educated vs uneducated rapists. Even in fully educated countries rapes are even higher percentage than India.... lets say, for arg sake, your assumption is true. All I can see is education gives money, status which opens opportunities for consensual sex. They have opportunities to indulge and satisfy some what their sexual urge.uneducated people may not have such opportunities. bottom line : the urge is extra ordinarily stimulated by media to both educated and uneducated people. (off topic: India has percentage wise less number of rapes than other countries. Number of incidents higher due to population. but percentage wise lesser than many many countries. Even false cases are higher in India. Unreported cases and false cases negotiate the numbers. Google why this focus of rapes in india by world media by maria wirth)

Lets not make it western vs Indian dress. Let it be modest vs not so modest dress. because both western and indian dresses can be worn modestly or vice versa. . In the name of freedom to dress, women are being exploited individually and collectively. exploited by media houses and even men's impulses are exploited to mint money by the business men. and of course dress is one such subject discussed, there are other major contributors like media,magazines, hoardings, internet.point is Garbage In Garbage Out. finally what needs correction is mentality of women and men.

people who do not have celibacy training and who are bollywood fans are potential rapists - ? Need not be. Because everyone is having different level of sense control due to cultivation, background and so many other factors. but holly/or any such media gives input to spoil one's mind.

the first 5 links in this search link will give more idea about what I want to say

“American Paradox” by Dr David Myers and there he also talks about this, that people who have casual sexual relationships although they get some titillation, they actually feel very lonely, because they don’t develop a deep relationship with anyone and they also feel guilty, not because they have some religious sense tormenting their conscience, but they’re simply feeling that I’m using others and others are using me. And it’s a very dehumanising form of relationship where one is just using another person to gratify one’s desire, to fulfil one’s itch. Basically when sex is only seen as a tool for pleasure, then, leave alone being harmonious with one’s spiritual purpose in life, even with the purpose of having a lasting relationship, it becomes disharmonious and it leaves one lonely. But at the same time, because there is some pleasure over there, it becomes infatuating and addicting and a person becomes entangled in it completely. Quite often that happens when there’s no sense of regulation.

Damn... I was away for too long and now I have lost interest in this argument!

Anyway, I just 'imagined' myself in a spacecraft landing on the moon!

Close your eyes and try it. You can 'imagine' anything coz the human mind is really a ultra powerful CPU+GPU that can render visuals instantaneously. Point being that clothes, no clothes, bollywood, no bollywood etc. dosn't matter. If I want to imagine someone naked, I can! I don't need bollywood or hollywood to finetune my mind. And no celibacy training can stop me from doing it either!

Ooooo.... I just 'imagined' a naked alien on the moon! But I am not sure if it was a guy or a gal! But hey... Its my mind and my imagination... I can 'choose' the gender of that alien!!! Human mind FTW!

Got the point?