Shall I JB iPhone 4 ?

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What are the contents you want to backup ??.

Since your phone came with 4.3.2 you cant go to 4.2 / 4.1 and you can save SHSH via tiny umbrella with out JB but it never worked for me ,best bet is JB 4.3.2 install cydia let it save the SHSH on its servers and then upgrade the phone to 4.3.3.
Just settings, no data. Or if I like Factory Restore to 4.3.2, just like how it was out of box.

And I don't want to go to 4.2.x, I just may need to go back 4.3.2.
Settings can be done in 30 mins max .The reason i am saying not to restore from a back up after upgrading is that it might create some issues.Friends of mine had stability issues.This is what you need to do

JB your present firmware using greep0ison install cydia ,when you open cydia for first time it will ask you to save SHSH just hit make my life easier it will save your SHSH .Connect you phone to PC use tiny umbrella and save SHSH as well .

Upgrade phone to 4.3.3 then JB with greenp0sion again and install cydia.

As a matter of fact i dont see a point as to why you want to upgrade to 4.3.3 from 4.3.2 .There is no difference apart from the fact that the latest firmware doesn't save you location data .There are many tweaks in cydia which will do the same job on 4.3.2 and there is also a tweak which you can install which will fool itunes saying that the firmware you are running is the latest( this tweak might be useful to some who end up hitting upgrade my phone accidentally)

I am on 4.2.1 i have no issues what so ever ,battery life is amazing .Its a tedious process to JB and install apps / tweaks over and over again.

My advise JB the firmware you are on and install tweaks which i mentioned above.
Agree with Metalspree there. Apple does not offer any substantial advantage when you restore from a previously saved backup. So backing up repeatedly on 4.3.2 and later on 4.3.3 won't make any difference.

This IMO is a limitation of iOS, or maybe iTunes, or even Apple, that whenever I have updated/jailbroken my iPhone and tried to restore with a previous backup, iTunes has always failed. Always given me errors so I had to manually reset all the previous settings. It doesn't take more than 15-20 minutes, but still, why should it when they have a 'backup' facility available.

Just go ahead and jailbreak your iPhone.

Oh and don't confuse backing up with updating your firmware, both are different things in iOS. :P
@metal - Oh okay !

Now I am on 4.3.2, if I have Jb it then again I have to download 4.3.2 ipsw file right ?

If above is yes, then I will upgrade to 4.3.3, as I have already downloaded the file. My current net is very slow, so it takes a lot download it again :|

Then I will upgrade to 4.3.3 and JB. As you say there could be issues restoring back ups, I won't do it :)

Once I upgrade to 4.3.3 and JB, then I can restore it to 4.3.3 to easily right ? Or Do I have to save the SHSH ?

and also, whey Green posion over Red Snow ?

@phoenix - thanks man :) So its a PITA to restore a back up I see.
Since you already have 4.3.3 file just update and JB the god damn thing.I am sure you will not downgrade what so ever .The reason i did was that i use a specific VOIP app to call India and it was acting weird on 4.3.3. The dev fixed the issue in 2 days but i had downgraded by then :P.
oh okay, sorry for making it complicated , but now I understood the process. Thanks a lot man. In android there are no such complications at all. One can easily switch between roms, atleast in my nook !

After jb, if m not happy, then how do I restore it to 4.3.3 ?

You are confusing android flashing with jailbreaking of iOS. With android it is usually a two step procedure, first you root, then second, you restore back to firmware/ROM of choice. Right?

With iOS you just need to have your phone on a certain firmware, and then simply jailbreak it. It doesn't affect the firmware. I mean it does, but you don't need to restore/flash the firmware again.

Hope that helps. Poor Metalspree has been bashing his head against the wall for that simple clarification. :P

Also, if you are not happy after jailbreak, simply restore your firmware to 4.3.3 through iTunes. No need for flash/custom ROMs etc.
Well there are no complications in iOS fact is that you were too worried and got confused 15 / 16 year old's are happily JBing ,unlocking and even developing apps :P.
Okay guys I got it. Thanks a lot for replying with patience :D

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

I screwed it :(

I connected my iPhone

Then pressing shift button I selected the update file

Then the process started

Then I got an error :(

"Can't Restore iPhone (2002)" The more info link shown this - iOS: Resolving update and restore alert messages

Now when I connected again iPhone, I got you are in Recovery Mode and need to restore, when I pressed restore it started downloading again 4.3.3. I pressed cancel and loaded IPSW file pressing shift button. Then I got same error :(

Now my iPhone shows connect to iTunes and nothing much :( :(

So what are my options ? How shall I recover ??

EDIT : MD5 are not matching. SO...
From where did you download that firmware?

and to kick your phone out of recovery mode press and hold home + power button for some ten seconds and make sure that your iPhone is not connected to computer while doing this... :)
Are you trying to JB or update iphone to 4.3.3.You cant kill the phone :P,there are work around's .I wish i could help you but can't as i need to sleep its 5AM here.

PM me your mail ID (gmail) will chat with you and help you out but its going to be tomorrow and let me know preferred time to contact you.

Use tiny umbrella to kick out of recovery.If tiny umbrella doesnt work then use this guide

Exit iOS 4.3.2 recovery loop --> I have used this and it works when tiny umbrella fails .

Run all the apps in admin mode.
@hades - I downloaded it from Demonoid.

I tried home+power, still it is showing connect to iTunes on iPhone.

@metal - thanks a lot man, I will PM you shortly. And you can sleep now, I have no hurries :)

Download the firmware from here - iPod, iPhone and iPad Firmware Download

Save it somewhere accessible.

Then put your iPhone into DFU mode by

1) Pressing Home and Power buttons together for 15 seconds

2) When the screen goes blank, release only the Power button and keep holding the Home button.

You should now have your iPhone in DFU mode.

Next, connect it to your computer and let iTunes detect it. It'll advise you to restore it. Click on OK.

Next, press Shift and then click on Restore. This will open up the window where you select the firmware. Navigate to where you stored the downloaded firmware and select it. Then wait for iTunes to complete the restore plus update.

After all that, you should have your phone on 4.3.3 and you can jailbreak it with the app of your choice.

Few tips to help you -

~ That restore plus update cycle may take multiple attempts. This is normal with iDevices. You might succeed in the first attempt, or maybe in the 10th.

~ If iTunes keeps giving you error 1601, 1602, 1604 then you may want to try restoring and updating on a different computer.

~ If an attempt to restore fails, then unplug the iPhone, close iTunes. Reconnect iPhone and manually execute iTunes. iTunes will again detect your iPhone in recovery mode.

You won't get such a nice guide anywhere else on the net. :P All the best and post here if you need any more assistance.
@phoenix - Thanks for the guide man :clap:

@metal - yay, it is working back now and I have successfully JB'ed it :)

The culprit : Hackintosh ! I wasn't on windows, I was trying it on my Hackintosh. In hackintosh, some peripheral drivers act weird sometimes :-/ So last night I searched all my pile of waste DVDs, found windows 7 and installed it. Then I installed iTunes and just Shift + Restore [not DFU mode given by phoenix], it restored. Then I just JB'ed it. All is well as of now :D

1. But when my device started it did not detect my service provider. It is normal after JB ? I had to select manually. This happening at every reboot :-/

2. Now I can connect it to iTunes and sync ? Or any settings I have to change ??? [I will connect unless someone confirms this. Later I don't wanna hear "Oh, Shit, you shuldn't have connected" :P ]

3. also please few instructions regarding post Jailbreak, like SSH, Open SSH [?] Blob etc etc

4. which software I have to install which enables me to sync iTunes with downloaded IPAs.**

5. I want PUSH gmail now. Earlier I set my gmail with Mail app > Gmail, push wasn't working. Shall I try IMAP ??

6. Using iTunes on different computers would do any harm ?

Thanks again :D

**EDIT : I found this :

Open Cydia

Add this source: or

Still in Cydia install MiPatch (By Hackulo) or Mobileinstallation (by

Restart iPhone

Connect iPhone to your PC/Mac by USB-Cable

Copy cracked ipa files into your iTunes Library (just drag and drop to the iTunes Window)

Tell iTunes to install applications that you want

Start Syncing iPhone!

But is there any way installing without intervention of comp ??? Download IPAs within iPhone and install ??
For ahem ipas install that cydia repository and f there ill appsync for 4.0+ then sync whatever you want to. No other way fir installing ipas. only through itunes.

also you'll be tied to one computer with one itunes. Can't sync iphone with two computers. only solution to that is referring your media over wifi fir which you'll need ssh .

Lastly for push gmail set up your gmail through Microsoft exchange. Google it to learn how to.
1. But when my device started it did not detect my service provider. It is normal after JB ? I had to select manually. This happening at every reboot :-/

I dont know why this is happening as my phone detects service provider automatically

2. Now I can connect it to iTunes and sync ? Or any settings I have to change ??? [I will connect unless someone confirms this. Later I don't wanna hear "Oh, Shit, you shuldn't have connected" :P ]

Yes you can but sync has to be done to single computer and not multiple.

3. also please few instructions regarding post Jailbreak, like SSH, Open SSH [?] Blob etc etc

Will mail you a link

4. which software I have to install which enables me to sync iTunes with downloaded IPAs.**

Installous from hackulo source (

5. I want PUSH gmail now. Earlier I set my gmail with Mail app > Gmail, push wasn't working. Shall I try IMAP ??

Enable by IMAP in gmail settings and it will work

6. Using iTunes on different computers would do any harm ?

Yes it would do not use multiple computers to sync iphone your apps will be lost.
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