Share your experience with ragging

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well i was caught twice by seniors........both time luk was in my corner.......first time they took 4 ppl(includin me)......frm library during recess..........then made all of us to stand on bench......they started asking us wht marksull score in first sem...1 guy said 90+..........the seniors told giv us your address if u score less than that we will kick your a$$....other guy was told to ask a gal whts his figure..........3rd one wa told to blow a bulb with a whistle.........while recess was on end they spared me...and othr were on their duty.....
2nd time........they took me to their class........made me sit next to a gal....and someythin really fishy was goin to com up........but suddenly their proff enter......and again i was spared sayin bacha hain ro raha hain......
the funniest incident we found was of our classmate......that dude got ragged by diploma guys(our juniors)...for 1.5hours
like buy them smokes or just buy them a Pepsi , else they'd pound you to death or sumthing.

Funny, we'd always rag our juniors but treat them in the end.....

It was a big-big taboo to get a junior to buy you smokes or treats
^^^eggjactly .. we seniors never let our juniors buy us anything ..its a shame.

anyways coming to ragging ..well my college was notorious for the amount of ragging going on .. juniors used to get anything from 25-50 slaps per day frm seniors... luckily i did not get any.

juniors had to go for "visitings" to the seniors places or to places such as parks n stuff so that they can again be royally ...again i did not go for any visiting either.

i did follow the dress code for juniors and also walked around the college with my eyes on the floor for the whole juniority ..greeting evry senior around ..and shouting and greeting female seniors .. lol. ....that was fun.

it was madatory for juniors to come to college either in bicycycles (and that too no hero ranger n all ..only doodh wala cycles) or come walking ... me and a frnd used to come by his bike though .. coz a senior used to be driving it.. lol.

still juniority days are the best days in college life ..and i really pity the boarders of my college who get beaten to pulp during their juniority days ..we day schis had much more lenient ragging compared to them.

anyways ragging is over these days ..and juniors act too smart nowadays ..sometimes i do feel that ragging was justified (not the indecent and physical part) looking at the freshers these days.
EDIT : abusing bulbs n tubelights , proposing girls , by hearting technical fundae, etc was part of the juniority ragging. and if u read those "fundae" u will go mad laughing .. guys used to get photocopies of those fundae and circulate them so that juniors could learn them by heart.

most common one was the "respected" intro .. which would go on like this,

respected sir, my name is mohit blah blah son of respected blah blah , studying in 1st semester in the respected mining engg branch of the respected blah blah college , in the respected city ..and so on .. i dont remember it correctly now ..but if u missed one word ..SMACK ..u get a tight slap across ur face.

hmmm here is a exactly similar thread for discussing ragging experiences,

mods can merge the two.
I have not been ragged in my college:) and there is no raggin either in my college(99%:P).

I hate ragging too:)
Saiyan said:
I have not been ragged in my college:) and there is no raggin either in my college(99%:P).

I hate ragging too:)
Same here.... the problem is when it goes out of hand. Some guys get carried away and dont know their limits. That is what scares me :P ....
I have never got ragged and have never ragged anybody either.
I've never been ragged. seniors tried once, but i escaped.

Other seniors used to joke around with the juniors. that is alright (by joking i mean totally harmless.. witty stuff... not even like asking one to dance around or anything)
Ragging (of the sadism kind) sucks. its totally stupid and mindless. only perverts get kicks out of it.
i've never ragged any junior. treat them like my friends.

magnet said:
1 frnd of mine was a babe..look at my balls...when he was looking she slapped him tight and told...u f#$er i meant eyebalss...lolzzzzzzz
Thats plain disgusting (on the part of the girl). i would've kicked that "babe" in her balls (her eyeballs i mean..)
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