Sharing broadband

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I stay in gulf and the broadband charges are way 2 high. I plan to take a shared connection from my neighbour living 2 floor down. He is connected via tele. provider wireless router. Which is the best way to connect for me ?
Please advise.
Well, if you can get the signal to your place, buy a router to link to his network (in client mode) and give you an IP address. Add a WiFi router and do double NAT, so that his and your networks stay separate.

If you can run a wire to his place, then its better. Attach router to your end of wire. simple.

However, before doing all this, look up the legality and issues surrounding this type of setup.
Thanks for the suggestion. The signal is hardly there may be 1 bar. I think I if I can run a wire from his router to my adsl wifi router should work right ? Do I need to configure anything in this case ?
Get a powerline ethernet adapters . Put a one end at your neighbours place and other at your home
See laws in gulf are way tough no matter how minor is the crime.
So first consult your neighbor and explain him the whole scenario before going ahead with any plan/setup.
For wired net there will be a bit of clutter at both places. Also is your neighbor in a building or has a bungalow system? As laying wire might need permissions from the society as well.
Dam I can go to any extent for a unlimited connection !! 3G is like 1Gb 800 Rs. I remember the old dial up days in India when my bill use to shot up to 5000 Rs. :)
I checked with many people most of them do this sharing thing.
Power line Ethernet it a better option? I mean cost wise and connectivity?
Dam I can go to any extent for a unlimited connection !! 3G is like 1Gb 800 Rs. I remember the old dial up days in India when my bill use to shot up to 5000 Rs. :)
I checked with many people most of them do this sharing thing.
Power line Ethernet it a better option? I mean cost wise and connectivity?
I'm using Powerline ethernet adapter at my home so far i have not faced any issue. As far as i know you just need to have shared electrical wiring that you probably already have. I have used my adapters on different floors i have not faced any issue at that time.I'm not sure about exact distance.
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Thanks for all your help and sorry to open up such a old thread again.
I have finally hooked up a cat 6 cable from my neighbour 2 floors down up to my house.
For now I am using it straight into the laptop. I plan to get my old mtnl wifi adsl modem/router so that i can use it for the laptop as well as phones.
Please let me know if it is going to work. I have some doubts related too dhcp/natting. Will it be easy to configure ?
Is setting up a simple wireless router against a adsl modem/router difficult ?
If my mtnl adsl router is going to work. How do i set it up once I get it ?
Currently I have connected into lan 2 port of my neighbours wireless router provided by isp to them. It is a adsl router. I have access to it since I am wired directly into it. But will there be any changes necessary ?
Thanks again
that adsl router should work fine.just connect it to lan port and use it.i don't think u need to configure anything apart from WiFi security password.
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Got my old mtnl adsl router and hooked it up to the cat 6 cable coming from primary. Initially connected directly without configuring but forgot the existing password so had to reset. Worked fine but the connection was slow. I found that if you are connecting the second router to your existing network make sure you disable the dhcp in the second router and assign a single ip ( with in the same subnet as primary wireless router ip )
Things look ok for now.
Thanks a lot guys.
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