Shopping using Sify

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I need help on shopping from sifymall. Im thinking of getting canon 570is from sifymall but i have few doubts as of now i dont have credit card. but my friend does he 's from US he agreed on buying using his card but if i place order/buy the item using his card will the item ships to his address (US) can i change the shipping address. help me i dont have experience in online shopping! Am i missing anything ??? help me! :ohyeah:
what other things should i look out for??? this is my first time shopping on net so im worried a lil bit !

EDIT: should i tell him to change the address of the card or can i enter the address on site????
u will definitely be asked the shipping address before they process ur order...not too sure about using ur friends card that card he has indian or from another country since it may lead to problems...
Arghhh!! what problems re??? he's from USA i think the card is also from USA! Im not sure about the card type.

EDIT: Are there any alternative reliable sites ???? with cheap deals.
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