CPU/Mobo Should I buy more RAM

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Cooler "Master"
Bru(s), I want to upgrade my RAM would like your suggestion relating to this move, my current config:

AMD Phenom II 965 B.E. ( stock ) + Cooler Master Hyper 212


4 GB DDR 3 1333MHz G.Skill Ripjaws 9-9-9-24

MSI Hawk R5770

2 x 320 GB Seagate 7200.10 Barracuda

1 x L.G. DVD writer

Cooler MAster Scout ~ cabinet + 4 (120mm) fans

Cooler Master Real Power Pro 460 W ( 80+ Bronze ) efficiency :ohyeah:

would a 2GB upgrade be worth it or should I hold with current config, I also want to know how much will an external DVD writer/reader cost

Thanks in advance and MAY YOUR SWORD STAY SHARP :)
May I ask what applications do you use which takes up the installed 4GB RAM? :)

Or are you asking is there an alternate way to blow up some hard earned money of your parents?
Desecrator said:
May I ask what applications do you use which takes up the installed 4GB RAM? :)

Or are you asking is there an alternate way to blow up some hard earned money of your parents?
I am an animation student bru will start using Maya and other heavy apps like these so that is why coz i am not upgrading card or processor and the external DVD writer is coz I have a lot of Orignal movie discs from various code ares so there is a clash
For Maya and other such 3D animation and rendering apps, more RAM certainly helps. I'm sure quite a few members here use Maya with their rigs having 4GB RAM as well. I'm not sure how it fairs on a system with lesser RAM.
ALPHA17 said:
I am an animation student bru will start using Maya and other heavy apps like these so that is why coz i am not upgrading card or processor and the external DVD writer is coz I have a lot of Orignal movie discs from various code ares so there is a clash

You have a more than sufficient rig reqd for a student. Unless you are into freelancing and work on live projects. But considering you've said that you're about to start Maya and others, I dont think that's the case. As a student, me and my batch mates had access to AMD Athlon X2 5200+ with 2 gigs of ram in college and we never faced any problems until the absolute last semester when we had to submit our final project which involved a lot of rendering in Maya, which utilizes the CPU btw and not ram. And those problems involved the shitty comps overheating, which I dont think will be the case here, considering you already have a hyper 212+. So stick with this config, save the cash and go for an overhaul when you complete your course and are about to start working. You will need it then.
Thanks guys will hold on to the upgrade or now will see later and Bru, well you guys need to watch Blood Diamond for that. :p

@ varunversion1 dont intend to O C my PC heavily but let us see thanks, where can I get the Noctua in Bglore :)
I knew leonardo used that word in blood diamond, was just wondering if he actually said "bru" or was he saying "bro" in his weird zimbabwean accent :P

I'm guessing you already have a 64-bit copy of windows, if not plz get one! And yeah, why not OC your cpu? it'll be like an in-built upgrade ;)
Already got the original 64 bit copy of Windows 7 Home Pre things are like butter, maybe will overclock but not a great deal

yeah Leo says Bro in his Rhodesian accent in that movie bru :)

Aman27deep said:

:rofl: :rofl:

@ ALPHA - you can upgrade but i don't see any reason that you should.

your current config. is more than enough for your needs.

even if you do upgrade, i will not suggest you to add 2GB more but instead get a 4GB Kit.

but before all that, try overclocking your ripjaws. :)
more rams would not help unless you do tonnes of multi-tasking. Also the games these days approx use upto 2-3gb of ram.
OT aside, i'll the more RAM you have, the better PC's run these days, but it does not make a HUGE difference above 4 GB, so yeah go ahead buy a 2 GB stick
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