40K+ Should I switch from iPhone 13 to S23 or S24 ?


Why I’m thinking of the switch
1. Samsung website is offering me 39k for my 2 year old iPhone 13 if I buy the S24. Claiming GST and applying some coupon will cost me 35k approx after the trade in.
2. Fedup of iOS and average night camera. I used to have a Pixel and that has spoiled me. I trek and travel quite often and star gazing is below average on iPhone 13.
3. I paid around 45-50k for iPhone 13 2 years back because I claimed GST and used bank offers and what not. So getting 39k for it too tempting.

What i’m worried about
1. Battery. iPhone is great when it comes to battery optimisation.
2. Exynos on S24. I’ve heard S23 is a better choice.
3. I really need that lock folder option which is there in iOS. Have some very sensitive pics related to business and some private pics as well. *wink wink*.

Considering everything above, is the switch from iPhone 13 to S23 an upgrade ?
Bro based on my xp with iPhone i feel like my 14 pro took way better photos then my fold 6.
Oh really. Do you have any comparisons to prove your point or are they just your feelings
I knew the camera was okayish.. but i didn't know it would be a significant difference.
The iphones camera has never had a significant difference over Android ever. Just a lot of ignorant people saying so.
I've not seen the recent reviews because I'm not in a market for a new phone.. but i would still bet iPhone cameras are probably better in almost most aspects.
The only thing the iPhone could possibly do better at is less blur with people photos that too only with Samsung. Pixel can catch these as well if not better than any iphone. Otherwise a slight edge with video to the iPhone.

Most of the subjective improvements re:colour can all be fixed in post.
I think you v could also consider vivo and oppo, they have been innovating heavily in smartphone cameras.. Recently I compared their flagships with those of iPhone and Samsung. iPhone felt 2-3 generations behind
What bugs ? I made this post thinking I will switch to s23 or s24, but I ended up getting my phones battery replaced and it's as good as new. Costed me 6.5k. I was getting S25 for 47k after trading in my iPhone 13 and still didn't. iphone 13 camera is not made for night photography and that's the only issue I have.
I wish man, I wish.
  1. PDF Fails to open (iPhone 13, iOS 18.3.1)

    This is just part of how much the Files app sucks.
  2. Search in settings sucks (iPhone 13, iOS 18.3.1)

    Seriously? Legacy contact is not indexed?
  3. Auto correct is stupid (SE 2020, iOS 18.3.1)

    Auto-correcting he to the. Thanks Apple.
  4. Calendar dates overlapping (SE 2020, iOS 18.2.1)

  5. Dictation button disappears from Keyboard (SE 2020 18.2)


  6. Keyboard in-line suggestions glitch (SE 2020, 18.3.1)

    In reminders app as well-

  7. Files App goes blank if, god forbid my internet is a little wonky (iOS 16,17,18)

  8. The myth that apps are better on iPhone.
    • Apps that reload if you pull down/ up the control centre or notification centre
      Good heavens why? Why? The damn digilocker app, I pulled down the notification centre for the Aadhaar OTP and when I came back to it made me fill all of it out again.
    • Google Apps. So so many issues. In YT Music, subtitles don't show if you full screen a music video. The most infuriating one is when it stops playing videos when auto-playing
  9. Daily crashing and restarting during the iOS 16 era, kernel panicking on my SE 2020. It eventually fixed itself, the day I installed iOS 17.0
  10. In September 2023, hundreds of files disappeared from my iCloud, turns out iCloud on Windows had a syncing error. Couldn't restore. Fortunately had an offsite backup.

These are functional issues but other than these are countless visual bugs, which don't affect function but I why do I have to settle? I didn't pay a premium for the iPhone to have a worse experience. Eg- Skipped animations while unlocking

Now, yes I tried DFU restoring, resetting countless times.

Instead of fixing bugs they are wasting their time with AI. I mean, a shipped bug is not a priority, right?
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Instead of fixing bugs they are wasting their time with AI. I mean, a shipped bug is not a priority, right?
Was reading an article recently that complained that Samsung was doing the exact same thing.

Your point 3 about auto correct seems to be a universal problem. The more you use any keyboard the worse it gets until you go with another keyboard and then after some time the same problem starts again.
Was reading an article recently that complained that Samsung was doing the exact same thing.

Your point 3 about auto correct seems to be a universal problem. The more you use any keyboard the worse it gets until you go with another keyboard and then after some time the same problem starts again.
Apple is testing code in production. In practice, we are all running beta software.
That's more the case with Pixel & Google I would think than Samsung or Apple
Grass is greener on the other side and all. But, I played it their way. I use Find My, iCloud Shared Library, AirPods. It just doesn't have polish. All of my Androids combined weren't weren't this buggy.

The value proposition of the iPhone as an independent entity has evaporated. Unless you are already entrenched in the ecosystem, do not get the iPhone. It's truly astonishing how bad the software is.
Grass is greener on the other side and all. But, I played it their way. I use Find My, iCloud Shared Library, AirPods. It just doesn't have polish. All of my Androids combined weren't weren't this buggy.

The value proposition of the iPhone as an independent entity has evaporated. Unless you are already entrenched in the ecosystem, do not get the iPhone. It's truly astonishing how bad the software is.
There are so many iPhones out in the world and unlike android they all behave the same, the way you are describing your problems, if true, all people around the world will be having it, not few. The system is tried and tested by many across the globe, I can't imagine how some one can be complaining like this, me thinks it's the user problem, rather than hardware/software problem.

If you are expecting android like behavior from iPhone, you will stay disappointed. Just get the top of the line android and be done with it. They are perfectly fine, they can do everything that an iPhone can do at this point and much more.
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all people around the world will be having it, not few.
I use 2 iPhones. They are both buggy, but I do have alternate theory to your "It's just you" - Maybe most people don't notice them. Considering the total number of iPhones, the users facing bugs and actually noticing them? The number might be very very small.

The system is tried and tested by many across the globe
Is that why there are countless posts on reddit and Apple's own forums with people looking to fix bugs in iOS?

me thinks it's the user problem
I can't believe you dropped the "you are using it wrong" on me. Why are you even defending them? I am the singular user, they are a multi-national corporation.
I have seen bugs on multiple iPhones- the 12 Mini, 13, 14, 16 Plus. My whole family uses iPhone.
You can search the internet, it is absolutely a fact that iOS has become a lot more buggy. Even Linus Tech Tips of all people made a video where he says how buggy his 16 Plus is.

If you are expecting android like behavior from iPhone
If by that you mean a phone that actually works properly, yes. I am expecting a behavior where it works.

Just get the top of the line android and be done with it. They are perfectly fine, they can do everything that an iPhone can do at this point and much more.
You're right. You're quite right.
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There are so many iPhones out in the world and unlike android they all behave the same, the way you are describing your problems, if true, all people around the world will be having it, not few. The system is tried and tested by many across the globe, I can't imagine how some one can be complaining like this, me thinks it's the user problem, rather than hardware/software problem
user friction, some hate it, some are used to it and some don't even notice it, same with any other apple product. it's been almost 6 years since I have been using macs and that thing still infuriates me enough to almost throw it at a wall weekly
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I wish man, I wish.
  1. PDF Fails to open (iPhone 13, iOS 18.3.1)
I just opened one without any problem.
  1. Search in settings sucks (iPhone 13, iOS 18.3.1)

    Seriously? Legacy contact is not indexed?
100% true. search inside settings is pathetic. I periodically change headphone safety limits and I have to remember the hierarchy as search wont show that.
  1. Auto correct is stupid (SE 2020, iOS 18.3.1)
iOS keyboard itself is stupid. I am using swiftkey which is much better. try Gboard (it is not the same as android one but better here than stock one).
  1. Calendar dates overlapping (SE 2020, iOS 18.2.1)
Should be specific to your phone, some issue. I have 13 and 15pm and in both, it is well spaced out

  1. Dictation button disappears from Keyboard (SE 2020 18.2)


  2. Keyboard in-line suggestions glitch (SE 2020, 18.3.1)

    In reminders app as well-
Have not seen any of these glitches either. I think it is better if you do a reset. I have seen this kind of glitches in Android as well. A full cleanup and restore from backup should help.

  1. --
  2. Files App goes blank if, god forbid my internet is a little wonky (iOS 16,17,18)
not happening for me at all. I even tried with putting phone on airplane mode. recents was showing all the file thumbnails.

  1. --
  2. The myth that apps are better on iPhone.
    • Apps that reload if you pull down/ up the control centre or notification centre
      Good heavens why? Why? The damn digilocker app, I pulled down the notification centre for the Aadhaar OTP and when I came back to it made me fill all of it out again.
    • Google Apps. So so many issues. In YT Music, subtitles don't show if you full screen a music video. The most infuriating one is when it stops playing videos when auto-playing
Arent these issues with devs and nothing to do with apple? But for apps from 3rd party that does not own another OS, I have seen that apps are better on iOS as most 3rd party devs get more revenue from Apple devices and they do 'design on apple, port to Android'.
  1. Daily crashing and restarting during the iOS 16 era, kernel panicking on my SE 2020. It eventually fixed itself, the day I installed iOS 17.0
  2. In September 2023, hundreds of files disappeared from my iCloud, turns out iCloud on Windows had a syncing error. Couldn't restore. Fortunately had an offsite backup.
which phone are you using? The UI related bugs seem to have pattern where the screen size is small and Apple does not give two hoots about that screen size (eg: 13 mini or se 2020). Apple's way of forced update?

And yes, these apple apps never play nice on non-apple hardware/software. I hate Apple for this as this is their way of saying 'buy your mom an iPHone'. You know what I mean. iCloud sync is bloody seamless on iOS and macOS and it sucks donkey balls on Windows to the extent that I use one drive for cross platform backup and I use iCloud only for photos taken on family iPhones. (mine, wife's etc).