To be honest try that on FEAR at 1280x960 and then watch the fun as you shoot someone and he gets hit 2 seconds later dur to the fps drop....
I agree with Chaos that HDR hasn't been properly exploited by GD as yet. But AFA IQ goes HDR doesn't do a bit for it.... So take that outta the equation and with 8x AF and 4x AA from the games I've played on my widescreen I honestly cannot make out a difference.
I'm not being nvidia sided, after all I spent good cash to buy an ATI myself, and frankly was more than a bit disappointed. Add to that the fact that both the 1900 and 1800 aren't stable for 5+ hours of gaming. Mumbai is a hot b1tch though, will try in chill jabalpur during christmas hyeah:
I agree with Chaos that HDR hasn't been properly exploited by GD as yet. But AFA IQ goes HDR doesn't do a bit for it.... So take that outta the equation and with 8x AF and 4x AA from the games I've played on my widescreen I honestly cannot make out a difference.
I'm not being nvidia sided, after all I spent good cash to buy an ATI myself, and frankly was more than a bit disappointed. Add to that the fact that both the 1900 and 1800 aren't stable for 5+ hours of gaming. Mumbai is a hot b1tch though, will try in chill jabalpur during christmas hyeah: