Laptops Should i wait for the budget


Hi All,
I am planning to buy XPS-1530. Should i buy now or should i wait for the budget?? there are some roomers that the price will go up after the budget.. please give your advice..
^^^ roomers ???? :rofl:

There is definitely room for it to go up .. well there is room to go down too :rofl:

On a serious note, when did you last hear about any duty going up ?
Dude, yesteday only i saw newz about this budget coming up with a fall in prices for LCDs and computers. Though these are good config computers, so wont get affect that much, but yes fall in price of LCDs will surely bring some Decrease. so i would suggest wait for it if there isnt any urgency..
If there has been a recent price drop and the 1530 is what you really want, you can go for it. IMO, it will take some time for budget benefits to trickle down to the people. And there's the question as to whether Dell will actually give any benefit to the people at all(although they seem to be one of the better companies but the panel lottery on the 2407WFP has led me to believe otherwise).
Prices will dip slightly. The real question you should ask yourself is can you afford to wait, or is the delay hampering your work/fun/productivity etc. If the answer is negative wait, if not buy...
hi guys.. thanks for all the help..

i placed my laptop order today.. got 2.5k discount.. xps1530.. just a basic configuration with t7250 and 1440x900 screen.. :)