First, thank you very much for your comments. Some of the people who visited the site told me it is too detailed and they do not have time to go through the entire site, so it will be nice if I make it very short. So here it is - for those who are very busy
1. I have applied for the BSNL tel conn in 2003, I have no complaints for waiting till 2006 as I know there was no option to give me conn, waiting list was long etc. In Jan 2006, I came top of waiting list, Feb 2006, they told me everything is ready and in March 2006, they sent a fesibility report (official written report with sig, seal etc) telling everything is ok and ready. But then they told me some major work is needed to give me connection. As I am not that good in the telecom tech terms, I believed it and waited again. They kept telling the same for about six months and then all of a sudden, told me it is not feasible. Then I started sending requests to PG cell, higher officials etc. Finally the General Manager - BSNL - came to know that and give strict order to provide conn immediately. Now they started working. So I got the conn in Aug end 2006. I was there when they worked for my conn and I came to know that 'the major work needed' took only 6 hrs ! They delayed it from Feb 2006 to Aug end 2006 without any valid reason. For a 6 hr work, they took more than 6 months.
2. Another thing they mentioned that they couldn't locate a tel conn near my house (they had the tel number, but not the address !!) and that is the reason for delay. I was travelling a lot and I couldn't check with em for about one month. Evenafter one month, they repeated the same thing. I asked them the number, went to BSNL portal, then directory search and found the address in 3 mins. Then I went out (it was near my home) and enquired about the person, address etc and got exact details in 30 mins. I handed over it to the person (BSNL official) who was supposed to get the details. So for a thing which takes 33 mins exactly they took 30 days !!
3. Due to the two things mentioned above, my position in the waiting list for broadband came down to 82 fom number 1. 64 people in the waiting list got BB and I am still waiting for it. It was not because of any mistake form my side.
4. The website is not for supporting any Pvt ISP or bashing BSNL without any solid proof. Whatever mentioned in the site is 100% true and I have proof for everything. All requests I sent were registered letters and I included the copies of the same in the website
5. I found a BSNL Officers yahoo group and sent them all a very polite request to have a look at the site. I didn't expect any miracles (my experiences with BSNL taught me, never expect any miracles !) and I received replies like - I am anit-national, I am sponsored by some PVT ISP, I lie a lot, I didn't send any requests to officials etc. Most replied didn't even go through the entire site. As they are in BSNL it is much easy for them to verify whether things mentioned in the site is true or I am just exaggerating things. But nobody cared.
6. I do not have any other alternative (no other ISP in my area) and that is the reason I am behind BSNL
Anyway, I got a lot of support through internet and I really appreciate the great help. For example, many asked me to file request under RTI and I did so. That seems working, but again I am not very optimistic about the broadband connection.
Thank you all, I will keep you updated