Insert huge post
Hello, long time.
About unfair practices, like you said in business unfair is a matter of perspective. You look at it from the angle of prices, I look at it ffrom the angle of business and they are setting up. They are CREATING a market and burning VC capital and providing cheap prices to usher growth. I can assure you that the presert day offline setup is way more optimized than anything that is there online. The offline logistics are set and most prices are set according to offline logistics. So the costs are not less in anyway for online retailers, there is -
> Customer procurement cost, includes advertisement and heavy discounts.
> Logistics. Huge costs. India has probably the worst courier services know anywhere. lol
> Payment. RBI regularly KLPD's the buying experience with two passwords and sacrificing first borns to complete the transaction. They have good reason and want to be on top of things but it does seem like a lot of extra work for people.
> COD. The risks with cash in hands of people that are paid so less
Then people not accepting orders. Putting up systems to counter that. It hurts the margins a lot.
> The Indian way of thinking, buying only when the costs are very cheap and not for convenience.
There are many more but you get the point, right? These all add up to huge costs in a business where everything is in percentages and MRPs are set as per offline costs and margins. It take huge amounts of experienced human talent to orchestrate all these and bring in a profit even after all the economies of scale. Lets show a bit of trust, shall we?
One big online retailer can be policed for higher prices, mass campaigns regarding their greediness can be done and alternative can spring up over night. But systematic over charging by mom and shops included by design to fool 99% of the customers cant be dealt with easily.
We both know how hard it is to find that one shopkeeper for a line of products, that gives us a good deal and actually looks out for OUR interest as a way of further his own, instead of just his.