Hi guys, your friendly noob once again.
Recently I've been contemplating over getting a smartphone for myself, mainly influenced by my peers around me and seeing its multi facet usages. For eg. we were on this road driving and suddenly a friend forgets the direction, there he whips out his Iphone and the GPS guides us exactly to the accuracy of an inch to our destination.
I was chatting with our resident expert Vivek and he had some ideas that made me re-think that do I even need a Smartphone ?
my basic usage will be:
I was mulling over getting a used Iphone 3GS at around 10k to suffice my needs, then Vivek dropped a reality check about them going obsolete and being overpriced for nothing.
The other option I was thinking over was a k790i(current phone) and get a tablet, ordered the ubislate7+
please help me out and do a need analysis if required to make me realise my true needs.
Recently I've been contemplating over getting a smartphone for myself, mainly influenced by my peers around me and seeing its multi facet usages. For eg. we were on this road driving and suddenly a friend forgets the direction, there he whips out his Iphone and the GPS guides us exactly to the accuracy of an inch to our destination.
I was chatting with our resident expert Vivek and he had some ideas that made me re-think that do I even need a Smartphone ?
my basic usage will be:
- Reading mails
- Going through PPT's
- Going through Word/excel
- music and movies
- youtube
I was mulling over getting a used Iphone 3GS at around 10k to suffice my needs, then Vivek dropped a reality check about them going obsolete and being overpriced for nothing.
The other option I was thinking over was a k790i(current phone) and get a tablet, ordered the ubislate7+
please help me out and do a need analysis if required to make me realise my true needs.