Sniper: Ghost Warrior - Discussion Thread

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The frames were stable, played only 2-3 minutes before leaving for office, all maxed out 1920x1080. But still the second card does nothing. The reviews mention no multi-GPU support. Realized when the game launched and the XfireX icon did not appear in the top right corner.
^which is the major fcukups with dual GPU setups. I have had my share of similar problems with the dual 4850 setup I had 2 years back. Until one of the cards decided to give up on itself. :lol:

As for the game, I'll be able to play it sometime next week. Shall post my impressions then.

Its quite sad that the game does not have the recognition for dual GPUs. I played a lot of games past 12-14 months, all have had dual card support. Still love dual GPU systems.
Only effective way I found, to sneak through a camp was to kill everyone before sneaking into one!!

enemy is like, better than dogs at spotting threats!! :S
This game need a lot of patience. And one should go through the training. Helps later on. Graphics are not that good. Non-destructible environments. No depth of view. Reached the camp where I am chasing the general. Enemy spotting is quite difficult. Runs fine on all maxed out using a singular card since multi-GPU support is not there. Decent play, while waiting for other shooters to be released. Definitely not a gung-ho shoot 'em up. The first sneak in level, tested the AI. Just hide in some grass, prone down, they walk past. But once you shoot, like from a cliff, the bullets come like hornets and it is difficult to spot the source and take it out.
Started playing the game today. Honestly, the game isn't all that bad that it deserves a lowly 5.5 rating from IGN. The outdoors with the plush grassy environs look awesome and the Chrome engine is not all that taxing on the system.

Completed Act 1 Chapter 5 - Dangerous Grounds. Enemy AI is ridiculous. They seem to spot us despite hiding in the bushes esp. those enemy snipers in the watch towers. Taking down those enemy soldiers on the rigs were fun though.

Those loading screens seems to have been inspired by MW2 nonetheless. :P
Completed the game. Total gamplay time for me was 5 hours.
It was a pretty good game. Some of the levels were pretty intense and requires you to keep your senses on high alert.
Ethan_Hunt said:
L3 on the X360 controller. ;)

It doesn't work in any level or at some specific point?

Do not have an external controller. Trying via the keyboard. Not working anywhere..?
damn said:
Did you aim through the scope before attempting it?
Yes that way only. I think SHIFT is mapped to 'action' or something..
That shift key not working for the bullet time - I think I encountered it for more than just a couple of times. And there's another thing - if Tyler runs a lot and then you immediately switch to the scope and try pressing the shift key, it wouldn't work indicating the player was tired. You need to settle down a bit.

I am at the 'A Simple Rendezvous' mission ATM. :P
Just completed the game. Not bad for a one-time playthrough IMO. Some things I found really annoying was - the enemy AI, the abrupt ending (I mean you sneak all the way to the sniping position and take him down and 'THE END'?!?! Should have at least played the evading part as well.), the inability to jump over a fence or cross the water at some areas, BS iron sights etc.


Normal difficulty. Not bad IMO. :P

Next up - Cryostasis. Just installed the free legit copy thanks to puns. :D
^if you still have then game could you please upload the savefiles. they are present in the game directory, and you need two folders:- profiles, saves. please don't upload if you paid for the game as it might give away you key.
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