Some humble purchases !!!

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These are some of the humble purchases I have done in the past few months. Some of it last week, some of it today :ohyeah: been dreaming about an opportunity to hit this show off thread someday, so I guess finally today is the day.

The first few snaps are of my comp. with my newly acquired Logitech G15. This was the first comp i built around a year back and for a COMPLETE NOOB entering this arena of assembling a PC and maintaining it in terms of cable management etc was a mammoth task (I had no clue how to even install the proccy into Mobo :ohyeah: for that matter i even learnt these terms right about then ) and i thank TE for instilling the confidence in me for the same. Although I haven managed to reach a stage to OC yet I am hoping someday i ll learn that too once i have the right parts for that. For now i ll just learn more till time and money permits me to advance to the next stage of computing. Thanks again to fellow TE'ites

The next few snaps are of my new cellphone which i just bought.
Nokia 5233
Price - Rs.6550
from Vijay sales who happened to give a free Philips headset (worth Rs. 1499 :O ) .

Also bought a 2gb Sandisk Micro SD from Alfa.
About the phone, I just feel its an excellent VFM (as expected). The UI is okish. not much of a diff if ur just moving from a Symbian fone itself. Features are pretty good for the price. Also need to mention that the image quality is pretty great for a fone in that range.
Here are the snaps

The next purchase was the most exciting and probably the most discussed about a few months ago till it died out eventually.
I am talking about my friendly buggies. Don be fooled by their size though. They are real fast (faster than my ferrari :ohyeah: and they can conquer most of the unexpected terrains. They jump. they zip thru the smallest of the corners with ease. and they look monstrous at nite.
I am glad me n my cousin bought them. Have been playing around with them almost every 10-20mins an hr.
And here is my RC collxn so far. :ohyeah: and yeah the FOrd 150 is slated to be my next purchase (it costs a bomb) . Hopefully will manage to save some dough for it by next month although i was real tempted to pick it up this time itself alongwith the buggies

awesome purchases bro


btw 6k fone and u got a 1.5k worth earphones ?????

very good deal man
Nice stuff you got there mate!

Enjoying yourself with the buggies? I spend so much time with mine. Best part is that these buggies do not consume too much power from the batteries. In the two months that I have been playing with them I have changed the battery set just twice.

Nice. :hap2:

p.s. I might have a little more more of that green wrap lying loose but i need to find it.

I will PM you if i find it and please take it away and put it to some good use.
Thanks all u guys :)

@ swastikrj - It was indeed a good deal. and the earphones surely are good but not great for that price.

@phoenix844884 - sure the buggies are every penny worth it. n ya they do consume far lesser power than expected although the green one i feel is slightly more power hungry since it has an additional light on top :D. BTW wat color/s do u have it in? I realised after buying that only the green one has this extra light feature unlike the red one !! I am planning to modifly my RC's a bit by adding red brake lights n stuff which lacks in all the 3 RC's ;)
@abbis - I picked it up from Bangalore .

@thetoxicmind- the FXX is surely a priced possession. The only drawback is the low ground clearance because of which its best suited on only smooth tiles or so.

@Udit - F150 - Rs. 3790 as far as i remember. Again from bangalore.

@bikey - I will surely try n put it to some good use (dunno if what i have done with it already is the best way to use it :ohyeah: ) . PM me when u do find it. n ya i have got my bike fixed finally so can drop in with ease next time. :)
Thanks again guys
OMG this is my childhood all over again. I'm gonna have to stop watching these threads.... The urge to buy those RC cars it just too much :bleh:
^^Thanks mate

djmykey said:
OMG this is my childhood all over again. I'm gonna have to stop watching these threads.... The urge to buy those RC cars it just too much :bleh:

:) well m already a victim of this craze now n am so sure m gonna indulge more into this temptation of buying one more. In fact i am planning to set aside a certain RC savings fund aside every month :ohyeah: m sure u ll see more RC stuff from me in the coming months. :bleh:
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