Some most tragic crashes in car racing history

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Staff member
Now that we know that Hamilton is all fine. Here is to people who died gravely (if death can be called that).

Found this video on youtube among many. This is a compilation. The most touching of them all is that of Roger Williamson.


He was burning in his car. A fellow racer stopped his car to help him. And they could do nothing. The flames kept blazing and got even more intense.

A marshal being hit by a car and cartwheeling several times in the air.

Then at the end of Ricardo Paletti who was alive after the crash but then the flames lit up.

Even if one forgets about the driver who was dieing a horrible death. Imagine the helplessness of people around them who were doing their best but that was not enough.
Renegade said:
A marshal being hit by a car and cartwheeling several times in the air.

in the tom pryce it wasnt tom that got hit but jansen vuuren( a marshall), the extinguisher he was carrying to get to the car flew out of his hand and killed pryce in the car. vuuren was only 19.

Oh wretched luck. This is just after the Roger Williamson part.

Tom price is not the driver in the stalled car. He is the driver who hit the marshall and they both died.

Roger Williamson was making his 2nd F1 start. David purely stopped to help, and later would tell people that he could hear young Williamson in the car screaming "Help me, please help me" the track workers let him burn to death. Usually when someone dies in racing the impact or smoke kills them, Not Williamson, He Burnt to death. there are images on youtube of his melted skull and his hand hanging out trying to claw himself out.

Ricardo Paletti Was Unconcious From The Impact because his chest was crushed, right when the fire started, he died.
Roger Williamson's death was because of those BRAINDEAD marshalls who signaled other drivers to drive to the side as if the other drivers were blind instead of extingushing the flame...they just stand there doing nothing, while the driver is doing whatever he could to help him.Man that really pisses me off, they would be arrested for doing nothing.
Very Touching Video......RIP all.............

^ OT : It made me think...this is wat happened in our country everyday , every hr , every one way or the other....accidents / molestations / something tragic in one way or the other........the law is useless and so are spectators...actually here is the other way round.....even ppl who want to help cant' help cause wats on their mind is the wraught of the INDIAN law........sob....
thankfully safety is first priority nowdays but still at the speeds they are running nowdays , its still a risk. earnhardt , greg moore , villeneauve.

worst i have ever seen was LeMans 24 hrs 1950's ... cars burning engine flew into the crowd killing a lot of people :(
Roger williamson died a painful death....touching...The marshals dint try as hard as David...It needed atleast 5 strong men to tip the car straight....3 wernt enuf... the very same video we see a car ramming straight onto a waylaid crashed we cant blame the marshals too much...they had to keep one eye on the track...but still it takes a lot to let sm1 burn to their death and stand there like they did...
Seeing that video made me realise why all the race officials want to slow down future races by reducing the power the vehicles.
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