chiragsthakur said:
I am working in marine business and all our orders are for building systems in Indian Navy. We have old ships in Indian Navy which are EKM class i.e those procured from Russia. The technology was good at that time but isnt on PAR compared to modern technology in any terms. We design system using modern technology to replace the Russian technology used on those ships and submarines, but according to what we experience is that, about 80% system cannot be replaced by new one, as the systems used are analogous in nature. We try to make it digital. But some systems dont respond well when digitized.Not easy to adapt and know what the designs are. So those are surely going to fail when it comes to war with some new ships.
Whereas on the other side, we have SSK class ships and submarines i.e German made. Those are the newer ones, has good improvements in design and technology compared to EKM class. It is really easy to adapt and know the design of those submarines and the systems can be replaced by latest systems too.
We also have Indian build ships e.g submarines are manufactured at Mazgaon dock in Mumbai. I dont understand which Engineers design them. They are prone to failures almost every week but the cost in making those Indian submarines is also very high. Corruption is involved in this case .
I dont think our naval ships and submarines are capable of giving a tough time to new ships and submarines which US or even Pakistan has. I hope Indian government realises this.
SSK = conventionally powered attack submarine. The Type 209s and the 877EKMs from Russia (the Kilo class) are both SSKs. Get your nomenclature right.
Two of the 209s were manufactured at MDL, so you're contradicting yourself by saying that they are prone to failures every week at one place, and praising their systems earlier. The last 877EKM was commissioned in the Navy in 2000, making it LATER than the 209s, the last of which was commissioned in 1994. Stands to reason and common sense that the 877s have better electronics and armament, incl. the 3M54 KLUB missile, which the 209s don't.
Stop blathering and spreading misinformation.
The Pakistani navy? Don't make me laugh.. they are dependent on handouts and second-hand frigates from the US and UK, as baksheesh.
Not a match at all even for our Western Fleet, leave alone the whole Indian Navy.
Their Agosta 90B submarines are a threat, yes, (they have three of them), but there's a reason we're acquiring P8Is from the US to hunt them down.
As for the Americans, in the long term, they are our allies, and comparing our Navy to their 12CBG Navy is ridiculous.