The f1.8 version of the 21mm is very costly !! Or you mean the f4 one ?
Add the 15mm f/4.5 to your list, its a tiny lens which is very wide and underrated.
Yeah I need a good wide angle so will see what I like once I get to see the lenses in Hong Kong. Might wait for the 16-35 f4 from Sony for a general purpose lens for wide angle
Nice! I see your 50mm lenses and raise the following:
Pentax A50/1.2
Pentax K50/1.2
Yashinon 55/1.2 M42
Pentax A50/2.8 Macro
Nikon 55/2.8 Macro Ai-S
Nikon 55/3.5 Macro Ai
Nikon 50/1.4D AF
Nice collection you got there... I managed to get a 28mm f2.8 and another legendary 50 recently Super Takumar f1.4 m42