Sony psp 3000 price drop by 15 percent

The latest firmware is 6.37 and it is not hackable.
The PSP 3000/3004 with 6.31 and 6.35 has temporary hack.
karankapoor said:
What do you mean by temporary hack ?
I suppose a temporary hack implies one which would be invalid once the PSP's battery runs out of juice. So you need to either keep an eye on the battery or re-do the hack, if the battery's charge is depleted. A perma-hack OTOH wouldn't need any of these.
No not any more, this was with the earlier hacks i am am using 6.35, JB 6.35 Hen by coldbird & VF no issues till now.

With the new crack if you remove the battery it will give a error just click on the pro short cut and you are done with it no need to install it again.
so should we go for it? what should i look for before buying? model no./ fw etc.?

and what abilities does the hack give you?

i am n00b when it comes to console. :p
Hey, is the 3000 series hackable now?! I have the 2000 and I dropped out of the scene a few months ago after I got a stable GEN 3 + Prometheus which ran all my games.

And this price drop is due to the impending release of the NGP. I'm getting the NGP as soon as it releases, be it in the US or Japan. What a piece of hardware that is!!
Aha, can you tell me a bit more, comp@ddict? You see my cousin has a 3000 and I've been telling him it's unhackable.. :)

So a bit more info and if possible, links would be much appreciated!
My cousin's has 6.2 OFW, comp@ddict. Is it hackable yet? I'm confused, because most of the posts in those links say it's unhackable, but they're all old posts.. He's a little kid and let it update automatically. :(