Sony PsWii?!

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ashr said:
no need to be eloquent when a company of sony's stature blatantly rips something off from another company that proved to be light years ahead of them when it comes to innovation. it's nothing short of disgusting.

Don't jump on the guns yet, this is UNCONFIRMED.

Imo, Sony will release Eyetoy for the PS3 - Eyetoy 2. Now how similar it will be to the Wiimote can only be answered once they release it.
Look, even if they do, they won't have games entirely designed around it. Or fewer at any rate. Because no one is going to spend half a bazillion bucks on a game that only a few people can play. And in any case, I don't trust Sony to bring this one to the market properly. It is somewhat an uncharacteristic attachment to their console that makes the whole thing quirky. Nintendo didn't have a problem because their consoles (and controllers!) have always been quirky.
To be fair to Sony, with the Wiimote doing as well as it is for the Wii, developers and gamers may take it seriously if it were to arrive on the PS3. There's still plenty of things going against it though.
hmm.......if going by their sales records Sony better bring in the Wii "like" remotes to save their a$$.........coz only in Japan is PS3 second.......... elsewhere it's third or fourth (after DS-Lite)..........
I feel Sony would be better of sticking to their current strategy which is next-gen graphics and proper online support. The PSmote is an unnecessary gamble. Hopefully, they won't put too much effort into it even if they do realize it. That way they'll be safe.
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