Sorry Apple, the BlackBerry Z10 Is Hotter Than the iPhone

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I've always hated BlackBerry phones. Disgracefully ugly bricks they were—until the BlackBerry Z10. The BlackBerry Z10 is hot. Truly beautiful, elegant hardware. If the OS is as nice as it seemed at CES, I will totally snatch one up.

These BlackBerry Z10 vs iPhone 5 comparative renders by our friend Martin Hajek are great. Not only because they show off just how beautiful a phone RIM has built, but because they demonstrate why we should still care about BlackBerry. With hardware as lovely as this, it may still have a chance at coming back with a vengeance.

With phones that look this awesome, RIM might be able to pull off a comeback | Reviews, news, tips, and tricks | dotTech
Sorry Apple, the BlackBerry Z10 Is Hotter Than the iPhone
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