soundmagic e10 and e30

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manu george

I am not in the audiozone in te for a long time.I am now planning to buy e10 and e30.please tell me where can I get it in India.thanks in advance.
manu george said:
I am not in the audiozone in te for a long time.I am now planning to buy e10 and e30.please tell me where can I get it in India.thanks in advance.

Hi mate, did u get some info from where we can buy any of those in India ??
so the only way 2 purchase is mp4nation? do they ship directly to india? is there any customs duty to be paid? any tracking to be done continously? or can i just order thru my debit card and i can just sit without having to worry abt it and will be delivered to my doorstep ? sorry for too many questions ! i am new to online buying and need to buy the e10 soon 1 thanks in advance guys!
sandeepsachin, mp4nation ships to India. Delivery might take a bit of time, 2-3 weeks. Iirc they ship by HK post. Tracking is not all that great. Customs, well, what can I say, you can never tell!
so the only way 2 purchase is mp4nation? do they ship directly to india? is there any customs duty to be paid? any tracking to be done continously? or can i just order thru my debit card and i can just sit without having to worry abt it and will be delivered to my doorstep ? sorry for too many questions ! i am new to online buying and need to buy the e10 soon 1 thanks in advance guys!

Yeah, they ship directly to India with free shipping option. Tell them to declare it as a gift. Tracking is provided but everything depends on India post once the item is received in India. It might take from weeks to months to deliver it.

You will need to pay through paypal, having credit card helps here. Not sure if you will be able to make a purchase using debt card.
guys , thank you for your response earlier ! now i ve found this luckily? e10 on flipkart and homeshop 18 ..looks like its way over priced but atleast i wouldnt have to wait and go through the hassles of unreliable customs and all if i order from mp4nation...heres the link and on flipkart ... is the deal worth it ? looking forward to your responses ! thanks in advance
e30s are available on indian sites now.



picked up from for just rs1625. i must say they are amazing and beat anything double its price in sheer sound quality
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