source and 1.6


i really need 2 know something , my name is rowin and ive been playing counter strike , then i shifted to fifa , and now im a high skilled source player in uk , as i was a goodskilled 1.6 gamer as well . now , the reasons css is better :-
1) better grafix , 1.6 is like its made with crayons !!!

2) the movement of players in 1.6 is like my nephew moving his ninja toys with his hands

3) its created around 4-5 years ago , why is a 20th century game in the 21st century , welcome to the future 1.6 gamers .

4) no realism in 1.6 , everyhing frm barrels to boxes and its like erm ,mario i used 2 play when i was a kid but only the fps version of it and with guns !!!

5) the maps look as if the place is made in the 10th century with faded walls and the whole game overall looks so dull :( while source has such a nice bright look

6) ppl talk abt 1.6 gameplay , in 1.6 with one good spray u can take out a full team EASILY:S , that doesnt happen in css or atleast its much harder and realistic 2 do it .and they say 1.6 has better game play :|

7) source recoil is fantastic , its just like real life , shoot head and headshot , in 1.6 u dont need a headshot , a good spray lol , just spray like crap and ur done mate , while in css the spray is better as well unlike the monster spray of 1.6 which is like "IM RAMBO MUAHAHAHAH"

8)now we come to the lovely SPAM of 1.6 , and again this is against the statement of gamers "1.6 has better gameplay" , shoot thru anything and u can kill the person , forget boxes , im talking abt walls and buildings , no wonder 3d wins 1.6 tourneys , they have so much xperience in the game they kill the enemy b4 the enemy even see;s them , one time in dust2 , dunno how 2 xplain this , i was at ct base and that guy was at a but on the slope part of it (hope u understand) i just shot thru THICK WALL and he got a hs , lmao .in source u can spam but only thru things like boxes and doors !! just like in real life

9) a new century , a new game , new players , therefore new topshots , why do i hear ppl say the "pro teams" dont suport css, hello ? ofcourse they wont , they are playing the game since 6-7 years , u dont expect them 2 start frm scrach do u ???? powersgaming hyper are the top shots of css , get used 2 it !! if any1 of u have seen complexity movie , im sure uve heard them say "ive started the game the 2nd day it came out" or " i started playing since cs beta" , lol u expect these guys 2 start all over again in a new game and forget all the commitment they put in for 1.6 ??? get real boys . nor can these guys be defeated coz they have spent so much time in the game they know where the bullet goes when in air , on ground , while moving , thru walls ,EVERYTHING !!!!
10)ppl say 1.6 u need 2 be sneaky which required more game sense , yes ur absolutely rite , 1.6 is like a tom and jerry game , go hide in a hole when ur jerry (counter terrorist) and when the terrors come jump out and shoot 30 bullets and kill all of them thru the wall !!!!

this thread was not 2 create flames , i want source suporters and 1.6 suporters 2 remain calm PLEASE , i just want 2 know ur view , as 2 how CAN U say a 20th century game like 1.6 is better than a new generation game like source now that all the bugs are being removed in source . please post ur views .
oh and 1 more thing ,im sorry i have 2 add 1 more reason - "1.6 gamers: source is a noob game" i just got 2 say , the reason ur not playing source coz uve come in the source server , uve got ruined by random source noobs (considering ur a 1.6 pro) and gone back crying 2 1.6 server saying source is a noob game , if it was such an "easy" game , im sure every gamer likes 2 frag and u wud play source rather than 1.6 , its becoz u get a bullet shot thru ur head everytime u showed ur face that ur not playing this game so basically uve got ur ass handed back 2 u :)
please dont flame , just a MATURE thread , i want 2 know the "VIEWS" of 1.6 gamers THATS ALL , no abusing no flaming , post ur view and itll be highly appreciated , thank you .

ps : source community is growing !! cal in europe wootzor , asia is next boys
hmm i will state a few reasons i prefer source over 1.6:

1) Source is much more friendly to net lag compared to 1.6. in 1.6, if you are above 60 ms ping (again a ball part figure) then you would be teleported back everytime the opponent shot you. you wont be able to dodge his spray. this gets worse as the ping increases.

2) The concept of tickrate is much more simple and defined in source. its specified by a simple cmd line argument called "-tickrate" where in u can specify the number of times the server should "try" to simulate a frame (physics, bullets hits, etc, etc.) however, you wont beleive the number of "not-too-knowledgeable" admins running 1.6 server with sv_maxupdaterate 30 and sys_tickrate of 1000. first of all they are only sending out "30" updates max per seconds, which is "30 tickrate" and putting extra load on server for no reason at all (by setting sys_tickrate = 1000) and you should hear the reasons specified.

3) I will again focus on the latency sensitive nature of 1.6. Here the hits are done in such a way that the lower latency guy has a huge advantage over the higher latency guy. hell, even changing weapons using "q" takes 2 secs and up with a 100 ms latency. thats not the case in cs: s. Spam does not hit when you are having higher latency. Again related to the way hitboxes are calculated.

Any one who opposes my points is free to join a 100 tick server i will create and get their *$@#% owned because u will guarenteed get 50ms + ping and i will get 0 ms (cuz i am the damn server.) Then you will realize the difference.
^^ forgot abt that , those are proper non arguable technical reasons as well . newayz still waiting for 1.6 loyalists to come and flame me , wonder when stromblast will make an appearance
This is going to turn into a needless Flame War.

Its just upto Choice and Loyalty to a game.

We realise that people playing CS 1.6 for 5 Years, are not defeatable in their Game, but in a New game, we have a much better Chance.

Rowin, those comments are pretty funny, yet true, but will earn you hefty flames :D.
abee adi ur talking word "competitively" to people who dunno spelling also ,anywayz no defence frm 1.6 side as i expected , ofcourse u cant deny facts :)