Spartacus Vengeance Discussion Thread

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Its that time of the year again, Spartacus is back!

First episode will air 27th the Friday on TV, but it is up Stars site for free now! Don't know if India can access it though.

For those who don't know, Spartacus Vengenace is 2nd Season of Spartacus. Blood And Sand was Season 1 and Gods Of The Arena was the prequel season. If you have not watched it, its highly recommended you do, its one of the best shows on TV right now.

Also beware of spoilers below.
Really good series.!I wonder how the new lead actor will be.IIRC the actor playing Spartacus died battling cancer.

It's good but not comparable to the likes series like Game of Thrones.If you're into mindless violence and entertainment you will not be dissapointed.Just don't expect it to break new ground or leave a lasting impact.

But be warned,since its a Starz show there's full frontal nudity(a lot of sex!) and gruesome violence...I myself was pretty shocked when I saw some of the violent scenes
.There's really nothing they won't show.

So it's defintely not for family entertainment
Episode 1 - web-rip version was available over torrents from almost a week ago.

watched it. average.
Andy Whitefield is sorely missed. The new actor playing him is good but not as good as whitefield. The difference becomes even more apparent when you have watched the first season recently. Also, I missing batiatus alot, the character of batiatus was awesome, too bad they killem him. Glaber doesn't even come close to batiatus as far as main villain is concerned.

The scene involving Doctore and the thugs in the first episode of this season was legendary. Doctore is truly badass.
Watched the episode yesterday and I really really missed Andy Whitfield as bluffy put it.

Liam McIntyre can never replace the guy. Loved the episode save for those screen filled with blood sequences. I mean was that actually required?

And WTF was that major kahaani mein twist!

Lucretia survived that stab! Welcome back MILF!
i found it a bit average.having said that, the story and their take on the new season looks interesting.

there were quite a few wtf moments thats for sure.the new guy looks ok,but i still miss andy.
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