[Spoilers] Game of Thrones (ASOIAF) thread

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I am still holding out for a bigger twist.

The Night King went down as if someone was taking on the Cyber Demon with God mode cheat code activated.

TBH I got it when Beric dies that Jon won't be doing much to the Night King. The God Of Light brought them back for a purpose-
Beric for protecting Arya till the final showdown
Jon for setting up the alliances and also for knocking the Night King off his perch or else Arya really couldn't pole vault up an Ice Dragon's back to take him out.

I think Cersei might detonate all the Wildfire beneath Red Keep on the verge of defeat to wipe out Kings Landing along with almost everyone which will mean no Iron Throne for anyone.
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I am still holding out for a bigger twist.

The Night King went down as if someone was taking on the Cyber Demon with God mode cheat code activated.

TBH I got it when Beric dies that Jon won't be doing much to the Night King. The God Of Light brought them back for a purpose-
Beric for protecting Arya till the final showdown
Jon for setting up the alliances and also for knocking the Night King off his perch or else Arya really couldn't pole vault up an Ice Dragon's back to take him out.

I think Cersei might detonate all the Wildfire beneath Red Keep on the verge of defeat to wipe out Kings Landing along with almost everyone which will mean no Iron Throne for anyone.
whats the arc of jon now? whole azor ahoi theory went up in smokes along with that ice dragon
when john rose up against the ice dragon i thought hel get fireblasted and he will come out unharmed like nightking as he too targarian. I was also thinking jamie gonna kill some white walker as hes the kingslayer after all
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but is that really a fireblast or ice blast? because its viseriyon and it had blue flame?

night king is king of white walkers so jamie would have to kill night king to be called king slayer again
Well, wtf with brightness. I thought my TV was low on brightness until I saw memes on the visibility. Gave me a headache for concentrating too much, trying to see who's fighting whom.

  1. What's up with Bran? What's he's doing ?
  2. Red Woman - comes out of nowhere, torches things up, suicide :o
  3. So all of Dothraki & Unsullied are gone right? (I didn't saw anything in the dark).
  4. And the night king was the kill switch, one ring to rule them all ? Hope books will tell us a better story. (If they ever see the light of day)
but is that really a fireblast or ice blast? because its viseriyon and it had blue flame?

night king is king of white walkers so jamie would have to kill night king to be called king slayer again
Fire blast, thats how wall brokedown. apparently viserion has better oxygen attracting properties with him making flame blue. Yeah jamie deserved to save everyone else once again.[DOUBLEPOST=1556605446][/DOUBLEPOST]those dothrakis getting extinguished one by one was creppy as hell and set the tone for the episode. It was looking like some horror movie.
Well, wtf with brightness. I thought my TV was low on brightness until I saw memes on the visibility. Gave me a headache for concentrating too much, trying to see who's fighting whom.

  1. What's up with Bran? What's he's doing ?
  2. Red Woman - comes out of nowhere, torches things up, suicide :eek:
  3. So all of Dothraki & Unsullied are gone right? (I didn't saw anything in the dark).
  4. And the night king was the kill switch, one ring to rule them all ? Hope books will tell us a better story. (If they ever see the light of day)
not only brightness but hotstar had bad color banding effect (probably due to low bitrate streaming)
1. dont know where the **** bran went
2. red woman is a witch to be fair. and she's completed her work given by lord of the light .so she fulfilled her purpose just like bedric
3. yup. almost all dotraki and unsullied gone.
4. night king dying is extremely dissapointing. I thought for sure he'll come back until my friend told me he watched the after episode interview and they confirmed this is the last we see of night king
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Fire blast, thats how wall brokedown. apparently viserion has better oxygen attracting properties with him making flame blue. Yeah jamie deserved to save everyone else once again.[DOUBLEPOST=1556605446][/DOUBLEPOST]those dothrakis getting extinguished one by one was creppy as hell and set the tone for the episode. It was looking like some horror movie.
Its not confirmed if its fire or ice


(keep in mind we're duscussing fantasy show so anything can be simply explained by magic)
when john rose up against the ice dragon i thought hel get fireblasted and he will come out unharmed like nightking as he too targarian. I was also thinking jamie gonna kill some white walker as hes the kingslayer after all
Jon is not fireproof as he got burned in Season 1.Moreover I don't think a Targaryen could survive an ice blast.

Plus the Night King used Viserion to extinguish the moat on fire across Winterfell. So I don't think its blue gas oven heat for sure. :p

Jaime might become the QueenSlayer.

Remember the quote-
"The things we do for love"

His character arc might follow the path of redemption ala Theon where he ignores his love for Cersei to do the greater good of the realm.

I think Sansa is becoming even more irritating with her thirst for absolute power in Winterfell even in the crypt.
Switched over from airhead to d**khead very fast honestly.
Seems like she took lessons from Cersei very seriously
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Well, wtf with brightness. I thought my TV was low on brightness until I saw memes on the visibility. Gave me a headache for concentrating too much, trying to see who's fighting whom.

  1. What's up with Bran? What's he's doing ?
  2. Red Woman - comes out of nowhere, torches things up, suicide :eek:
  3. So all of Dothraki & Unsullied are gone right? (I didn't saw anything in the dark).
  4. And the night king was the kill switch, one ring to rule them all ? Hope books will tell us a better story. (If they ever see the light of day)

1. Bran is doing what he is supposed to do. He, being a 3 eyed raven, is the keeper of history, so he is trying to capture as much details as possible for the biggest battle till date (by warging into ravens and getting a multiple POV of battlefield). When everything falls apart and nightking enters Godswood, he comes back.

2,3 - Answered above by @adventureguy

4. This was by design. Kill a whitewalker and all wights raised by him die (as we saw just before battle of Hardhome). Similarly, killing night king would triggered similar consequences.
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All the hype about "Winter is coming" just faded away in a episode; that too with major characters staying intact. My interest has significantly lowered in next three episodes where its human vs human now. They definitely gotta learn from Endgame.
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It was an amazing episode. I dont know what else you guys wanted. Dothraki hoard got killed, thousands of unsullied died. Half the cast is dead and you guys still wanted more? Night King is just death coming for people. The books have a different plot line. They dont even have a night king yet, just the "others". The show arc panned very well.

Its time to focus on Cersie. Danny will have some unsullied left as the wights focussed on the castle and might have just crawled over them. I hope she gets more soldiers from riverlands, Dorne etc. After all they hate Cersie too.
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Episode was great. I expected Arya ro kill the NIght King. Music was good. Dany is left with much smaller army now. I too expect Jaime to become QueenSlayer. else, it would be Arya - with Jaime's face. Bron with the crossbow discussing his "supari" with Tyrion would be interesting :)

Did Jon's dragon survive?

Reg makeup, it is repeating themes among movies/serials now. Night King get-up is similar to Darth Maul who was similar to the Kling-Ons in original Star Trek series.
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