SRK gives a speech at Yale !

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What about a uni inviting Snooki (Jersey Shore) for their graduation ceremony (I think)? What talent does that person have? You may want to know Khan is at least a well established actor and not a reality star. Also, many unis invite celebs based on student's polls and such so Khan may not necessary be a choice of Yale but it's students.

Comic by me, but I borrowed the idea from #[member='Superbad']
So everyone is being a keyboard warrior in their rooms sitting on their PC

The guy is worth $ 540 Million and he started from scratch as a theatre actor ... He is successful and knows how the business works better than anyone... In business only the success and end financial result matter ...
^Well you or me may not like it but that is our problem.

He is an actor when he acts, a performer when he performs. Its not given that if a person performs at weddings, he or she does not have something worthy to say. Correlation does not prove causation.

Are you currently/have been preparing for the likes of CAT/GMAT/GRE?
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