Storage Solutions SSD Dilemma !

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Hey guys,
Want to buy a SSD for my HP DV9704TX. The main problem is I've no idea whether it supports SATA I or II !

CPU-Z Validation

It has a PM965 chipset and even after some googling, I fail to see any established info on the SATA interface. :(

Kindly help me out in this.

Also, any recommendations for the SSD ? Budget is 6k (give or take 500 bucks). Looking for a 64 giger.

Thanks !

How you doing?

I am sure your laptop is sata 2.

Regarding which one to buy,

Check out Samsung 470 series and Intel as well.

Whichever gives you netter cost per FBI,

Purchase that.
Hey Pratik,

Doing fine bro. AIPG coming up 3 months and I'm worried about SSDs ! :ashamed:

I checked NP yesterday & nobody seems to recommend Samsung SSDs. I wonder why because from what I've read, they are pretty good.

What about Corsair Force series ? I think I can manage a 40GB or a 60 GB in that budget !
Its certainly sata 2. Get a ssd if its in your budget. corsair force 80 gB is 8500 all in kolkata. If you are running a linux then kingston v+100 96 GB will be within 8400 . It has a excellent garbage allocation mechanism
Thanks Deep.

8500 is a bit too high. Nothing more than 6.5k right now. The Force series looks really tempting though. :ohyeah:

Anyways, will search NP once more. Any specific shops I can look into ? Asked SMCi and they only had OCZ Vertex II 120 GB as of day before yesterday.

P.S: Running Win 7.

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So I'm thinking going for one of these:

Corsair 40GB Force Series - 6270/-
Corsair 64GB Nova - 6600/-
OCZ Vertex 2 60 GB - 5900/-

Recommendations ?
Also didn't see any Intel/Samsung drives on many of the popular sites. Any idea why ?

Thanks !
popular sites like ? i follow lynxindia to get a idea of prices. they list allmost all major brands. corsair is more reliable in terms of there a.s.s in india from ocz .

now i assume that you know the rule of thumb for using a ssd, more the spare area of it better. these 40 , 60 gB are not formatted capacities as you know. after fomattiing you will get 93% of specified storage and after formatting and doing a standard win 7 x64 install the spare area will remain really low, so choose intellegently.

nova is a bad buy now , tick it out .

i will rather suggest to buy a ocz vertex 2 60 gB if you find, but in kol its only vertex 3 i can find now.
Firstly PM965 is the northbridge, codenamed crestline, you need to know what is the southbridge for sata suppport. mostly PM965 will be paired with the ICH8M/EM, which support SATA II.

Choose corsair but it will not fit in your budget, so OCZ vertex 2 is the next best bet.
deep16 said:
popular sites like ? i follow lynxindia to get a idea of prices. they list allmost all major brands. corsair is more reliable in terms of there a.s.s in india from ocz .

now i assume that you know the rule of thumb for using a ssd, more the spare area of it better. these 40 , 60 gB are not formatted capacities as you know. after fomattiing you will get 93% of specified storage and after formatting and doing a standard win 7 x64 install the spare area will remain really low, so choose intellegently.

nova is a bad buy now , tick it out .

i will rather suggest to buy a ocz vertex 2 60 gB if you find, but in kol its only vertex 3 i can find now.

Firstly, by popular sites I meant SMCi & PrimeAbgb. Didn't see any Samsung or Intel SSDs on either of them.

Secondly, I had no idea about the spare area of an SSD, but googling linked to the awesome & huuuuuuuuuuuuuge Anandtech article on SSDs. Made me a wee bit more knowledgeable. It's an awesome awesome write-up in such a simple language ! I'm midway (on page 10).

Thanks for posting about the spare area. :D

vivek.krishnan said:
Firstly PM965 is the northbridge, codenamed crestline, you need to know what is the southbridge for sata suppport. mostly PM965 will be paired with the ICH8M/EM, which support SATA II.

Choose corsair but it will not fit in your budget, so OCZ vertex 2 is the next best bet.

Southbridge is ICH8-ME (82801HBM).

So OCZ Vertex 2 seems to be the general consensus as of now. PrimeABGB has it for 5900 (60GB). Any idea how much do they charge for shipping to Delhi ?

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Oh and before I purchase, my lappy is on 24*7. Downloading / some video processing etc. is always happening on the drive. Will it make a significant impact on the life of the SSD ?

I'm planning to use the SSD only as a boot drive (only OS with some necessary apps like browsers & Photoshop). Everything else will reside on the other HDD which I'm using now. How badly will this affect the SSD ?
ocz vertex 2 or corsair force these should be well within your budget , choose the gB as per your need/budget. corsair provides desktop bracket so using it on a desktop will be hassle free, i guess ocz also . Anandtech has the best ssd reviews, do check them out. :)
^^ Thanks.

According to what's listed on the PrimeABGB site, even OCZ comes with a 3.5" bracket. And at nearly the same price, it's 20GB more than Corsair Force. Guess I'll settle for that.

Also, the Vertex 2 has different series for the same space bracket. For ex, the 60GB comes in 3 variants -


2) OCZSSD2-2VTXE60G (The "E" series)

3) OCZSSD2-2VTX60G.34 (The 34nm ones)

Rushing through the product PDFs, the only difference I could locate was in the formatted area (& thus the spare area) of the drive.

The 1st one goes from 64 to 50GB.

The E series goes from 64 to 55GB.

And the 34nm one goes from 64 to 60GB.

All of them are based on MLC and have the same controller (Sandforce 1222).

The one being sold @ Prime is the E series.

Anything I should know about it ?
why samsung is not seen on indian sites and us sites also rarely is they are more into oem market and only recently they focused on consumer market.

and if we talk about reliability,intel ssd and samsung ssd are in same league.

apple,dell,lenovo are using those ssd's in their laptops.

and i would buy ocz only if its known 34nm part.

i found samsung 470 ssd for 114 usd.

brand new and box pack.

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Samsung 470 MZ-5PA064C 64GB SATA II MLC Internal SSD | eBay
Good lord ! I'm just done and dusted with the Anandtech's SSD relapse. Have to go through some OCZ Vertex 2 & Agility 3 reviews. Then it's Sammy time followed by Intel. Guessing it's gonna take a couple of days until I place my order. :P

Thanks for all the help guys.
if your budget is around the 6.5 mark then these are a few recommendations i would like to make

1)get the old intel drivers. they were / are the most reliable sata2 drives on the market

2)get a crucial c300 64 gb from the states as it is the most relaible ssd till date, but u dont get local warranty

3)increase your budget a bit and get the agility 3. the controller does have issues just like all other sf 2200 based drives but atleast u get local warranty so if anything happens u always have that to fall upon

4)get the kingston ssd now drives, i hear they are also very reliable

just my .02$ :)
^^ Thanks.

Why not an OCZ Vertex 2 ?

And yeah, PMed one of the members for Agility 3 price as well. If it comes within my budget, will get it.
the vertex 2's were not as reliable as the intel drives. but more importantly the v2's available here are the E version which have 25nm NAND flash which is only good for ~2500 P/E cycles whereas the non E version has 32nm NAND flash which is good for ~5000 P/E cycles :)
with all the products out there and all the variety it is easy to get lost in between the lines.

just remember 2 things

1)firmware support is greater/more important than manufacturer

2)32nm flash > 25nm flash

ur most welcome to pm me if u need more help :)
If taken proper care practically any ssd is reliable , this unreliable tag is not something a first time users should be bothered , check the anandtech forum for ssd sticky thread in memory section and choose any drive that comes local to you . There is no need for online hassle , just my advice.
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