Stellarium 0.9.0: The e-planetarium!

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Dark Star

Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go.

Feature list:

Basic controls

  • Look around by mousedragging, or moving your mouse against the edges of the window
  • Time control: forward, backward, return to present
  • Zoom
  • Tabbed configuration windows
  • Text user interface: minimalistic menu for use with dome projections
  • Clickable world cities map to set coordinates
  • Save your default location


  • All stars from the Hipparcos catalogue
  • The planets of our solar system, and their natural satellites
  • All Messier objects
  • All NGC objects
  • Planet orbits
  • Cardinal points
  • Azimuthal grid
  • Equatorial grid and more...

Changes version 0.9.0 [2007-06-6]

- Larger star catalog including stars from Hiparcos, Tycho2 and NOMAD

- Can select multiple constellations at one time

- Local script directory is reread when enter TUI

- Inuit constellation art by Johan Meuris

- More sky cultures

- Large code reorganization into a modular structure based on StelModule, StelApp singleton and its "manager" classes providing services to the modules.

- Projection code cleaned and splitted into Mapping classes.

- Movement control code encapsulated into the MovementMgr module.

- Code cleaning and commenting.

- Sidereal day/week keystrokes (ALT -, ALT =, ALT [, ALT ]).

- Data files reorganized

- Added back Hawaiian translations invented locale "hw"

- Orthographic projection, Lamberts Equal Area projection, Cylinder projection.

- Window resizing [view full changelog]

Download: Stellarium 0.9.0 freeware

Link: Home Page
zhopudey said:
Oye, haven't you posted about this before? ;)

:ohyeah: Yep I posted abt Stellarium abt before but that was previous version and this is the latest ver , v 0.9.0 and earlier was 0.8.2 :bleh:
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