Why do people start these petitions on change.org and expect multinational corporations to do anything but laugh at them? I don't think any government has taken these internet petitions seriously. At most, it brings people with a cause together but doesn't enforce any effective change. On top of that change.org itself has been making money from advertising and selling personal information, so I suppose this makes them the winners?Stop Google from limiting access to Custom ROMS via Play Integrity.
This petition might interest you. We are fighting against Google's monopoly with Play Integrity that essentially blocks users with a custom operating system from accessing certain functionalities and applications. The European Commission is already aware of the situation, but judged it as low priority: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/PETI-CM-757267_EN.pdf It's time for us to unite and show Google and EU how much we care about this issue.
Petition here: https://www.change.org/p/stop-google-from-limiting-custom-roms
Credits - Reddit
Using official petition forums where available makes more sense. The EU has one related to parliament discussion which I suppose was used for the original discussion and a change.org peition will do nothing exactly.
On point, I think most users will simply not care if they get regular security and OS updates for 7 years. The locked bootloader also makes life easier for Google in terms of support.
I have a Mi device and none of the custom ROMs have ever been stable or regularly updated, mostly because most experienced developers have moved on. It will end up like the iOS jail breaking community mostly with few hanging on because of "my device, my choice" but the world will move on.
On Pixel devices, it is still possible to self-sign and lock the bootloader which is what GrapheneOS does. On other devices, this is not supported. If the official bootloader is locked, it looks for official signed binaries which of course it cannot find if you modified the image.Can you explain why locking boot loader can brick the phone? Running grapheneos as well so didn't have to worry about it but curious to know how is it for other ROMs. Can't remember if I locked my old phone after installing one.