I just received a call from UP. And I am not sure what to make of it.
The call stated with the guy mentioning the name of the "transporation" company and the vacancies it has. He went on to elucidate a very comprehensive detail on the work profile to expect, the salary and everything along that. But I was wondering how this guy had my number. I have not applied for anything yet so was not expecting any such random job offer out of the blue. He then asked me my name and my location.
When inquired, the guy said that he got my number from his senior. Who, I wondered. 'Dinesh' he said. The only Dinesh I know is "Dinesh Karthik" the wicketkeeper batsman from Tamil Nadu. I am far far away from both of these states. So far away that there'd be a triangle if you draw three lines joining the three different states. I am sure Dinesh Karthik has no idea about my existence.
I asked more questions. How did this Dinesh get my number, I inquired. From a group he said. What group? No idea. WhatsApp group? He nodded. But I am not on any WhatsApp group. Lol
He then asked me what I am doing these days. I said I am studying. He asked what? I said I am not comfortable with sharing since I never applied for anything.
He then finished the call saying that he enjoyed talking with me.
The call stated with the guy mentioning the name of the "transporation" company and the vacancies it has. He went on to elucidate a very comprehensive detail on the work profile to expect, the salary and everything along that. But I was wondering how this guy had my number. I have not applied for anything yet so was not expecting any such random job offer out of the blue. He then asked me my name and my location.

When inquired, the guy said that he got my number from his senior. Who, I wondered. 'Dinesh' he said. The only Dinesh I know is "Dinesh Karthik" the wicketkeeper batsman from Tamil Nadu. I am far far away from both of these states. So far away that there'd be a triangle if you draw three lines joining the three different states. I am sure Dinesh Karthik has no idea about my existence.
I asked more questions. How did this Dinesh get my number, I inquired. From a group he said. What group? No idea. WhatsApp group? He nodded. But I am not on any WhatsApp group. Lol
He then asked me what I am doing these days. I said I am studying. He asked what? I said I am not comfortable with sharing since I never applied for anything.
He then finished the call saying that he enjoyed talking with me.
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