CPU/Mobo Strange Problem

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Well i was downloading a file last night which continued this morning . I stopped the download and restarted my pc , upon which my pc just would not boot . there was a lot of cpu activity for around 15 mins after which i restarted again ... then i got an error saying
Overclocking Failed ... run setup or load default .

I then loaded default and then it booted properly into windows and then i got a msg asking me to setup my Raid controller which i did . when i restarted my comp again , before going into windows it is giving a msg -

Scanning Ide Drives , no drive attached to fast track controller , bios is not installed .

But my pc boots properly after that and now everything is ok .... what can be the cause of this and what do i need to do ... i wasnt overclocking or anything like that , i just restarted my pc and all this happened .... Suggestions required .
I KNOW!!!!

It happened to me also .Somehow your BIOS got corrupted. and then when you restarted your computer, your BIOS was trying to recognise the HDDs in RAID formation(which I don't think it was). So, it was scanning IDE devices and did not find any RAID arrays. It said that your RAID bios is not installed.

Nex time this happens, go to the BIOs and there is an option which will allow you to choose the HDD setup. RAID or whatever.

Don't choose RAId.

BTW, I am assuming that you are running a single HDD or a dual HDD in non-RAID setup. If you were originally ruinning a RAID setup, then I have NO idea abt what went wrong.

Hope this helps
it was a strange problem indeed which got solved in the nick of time ( thankfully) ... after trying to figure out what happened , i moved my cpu to find WATER around it . i was shocked . just couldnt understand where it was coming from , finally found the source , my cable internet wire . it had rained whole night and somehow water entered inside the wire and then on to my mobo . after drying it , everything is fine like before . Gave my isp a word of mind ;) , they changed my wire . has it happened to anyone and my isp guy tells me it was due to change in temperature because of which there was moisture inside my wire which collected . is he right ?
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