Security Software strange symptoms: pls help

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it started when i tried to install avast Av on my system which was running Nod 32 till then. avast checked my 250GB HDD for about 2 hrs and then when it rebooted, my system became unstable. i went into safe mode and uninstalled it. after that the fun started.

first my gtalk became completely italicized. only the fonts that did not have italics showed properly. selecting or deselecting italics option had no effect. then my second parallel gtalk id caught on the same problem. then my firefox started showing pages in italics. after this selective word documents started showing all text in bold+italics. again cud not be cured by normal means. i am not sure but the documents that i have created after this menace are being shown in bold italics. older documents are showing normally.

moreover, while this was happening, one of my CPU cores was getting hogged up completely by one gtalk process. when i killed this process, same hogging up of one core was reported by MSIEXEC process. however killing both the processes cured this. i checked my system with threatfire and it diagnosed some files as malicious so it quarantined them. now MSIEXEC was among those quarentined files and now i am not able to use windows installer services to install or uninstall any application on my PC.

what do i do short of changing my OS again. i have not tried any antivirus after the initial fiasco. all my data is intact and besides the bold+italics irritant, no other alarming symptoms. internet activity is also normal, though i am not sure of this.

please help.
The only thing that you can do is a comple new fresh install. I had a similar problem with IE going nuts and hogging up resources. Tried to not reinstall by uninstalling IE and installing firefox, but then the problem went amok with other programs also, finaly deleting a few exe files. SO went for a fresh install.
Try using an Antivirus like norton Gaming Edition or Kaspersky internet security.

the problem here is u tried to install some CRACKS for some softwarez.

these CRACKZ have 2 types. one crackerz who have genuine interest is sharing there crackz with others, the second one crackerz who have EVIL interest want others to suffers, so will have hidden virus in the CRACKZ.

Nod32 and Avast wont detect most of these crack viruses.

but Kaspersky does. previously i suffered like this. these EVEL crackz will install some hidden startup programz etc.

which might have kept problem for u.

install Kaspersky or norton Gaming or Symantec client edition and do a complete scan..

try using Spywar blaster or spyware sweeper also, will clean most of the hijacking toolz..
HellBoyX2 said:
Nod32 and Avast wont detect most of these crack viruses.

but Kaspersky does.

Just so you are aware. Kaspersky is notoriously high on false positives. People get the false feeling that it detects virii which other AVs have missed when in fact all it did was raise a false red flag.

Easy way to find out is usually you won't find any info on the virus that Kaspersky detects and which was undetected by other A class AVs. Cryptic names as Other with no info on what it does, how it spreads etc.
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