Stream video from PC to Cell Phone/TV over WLAN

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Objective :
Stream videos from your PC to
1. Your Cell Phone (over WLAN)
2. Your TV (using a Cell Phone with TV out)


Resources required
a) VLC player
b) Codecs (if required)

Must for 1
c) Wireless router
d) Mobile with WIFI capabilities
e) Software video player capable of playing streaming video e.g. Coreplayer for s60, Realplayer etc

Must for 2
f) Mobile with TV out capabilities


How to do it?

1. Set video stream on PC -
Use VLC player to stream video. VLC player is capable of streaming video files over Http,UDP,MMS,RTP etc. Read the following guides to easily use VLC player to stream video -

2. Validate -
In VLC you can play files locally too. Besides you can also enable the debug interface (VLC > view menu > add interface > debug) to see whats happening in background

You can also do a simple check. Stream over http, with as IP and (say) 8080 as port. + WMV as transcoding. On the same machine run Windows Media Player > Open URL > http://<your machine IP over LAN>:8080 .. should start playing.

3. Get it on the mobile
75% of the work has been done. In your mobile you should have a video player capable of playing streaming video. Depending on how you streamed you can give the URL to play with your WLAN as access point.
For eg. if you streamed over http, use http://<your machine IP over LAN>:<port>

If nothing happens check the following
  • The video player in your mobile should be able to play that format (remember .. transcoding in VLC)
  • Do you have a firewall enabled in your PC? Did you allow incoming connections from the mobile phone?

4. Finally.. the TV
And... if you have a mobile with a TV out, why not watch it big. Connect your phone to the TV and :hap2: Eureka... you streamed videos from your PC to your TV without spending bucks on boxes like APPLE TV/WD TV LIVE etc. (though you may have to compromise on resolution)


What I used?
VLC player, Nokia N79, Sony 29" CRT based TV.

Next is what ?
Till now it was over http. Next is over mms/rstp, N79 is capable of subscribing to video feeds so will try to set those also
nice tools.

but whats the practicality of it, mean what about the charging status of mobile, cables, and as you pointed out about resolutions.
medpal said:
the charging status of mobile
This is mobile dependent. But like I use my N79 for torrents :bleh: so I have to charge is frequently

medpal said:
wireless router at one end and TV out cable at other

medpal said:
usually the TV out is 640x480 (There is a firmware bug in N79 and its not showing full screen:@)
interesting, just buy a streamer - it can download torrents and stream from a pc source

but nice guide for beginners!
Sei said:
Nice guide. Can I use it over my E63? Sorry, am clueless about mobile firmwares :ashamed:

yes you can. yours is s60v3 os 9.2 + wifi but no TV out.
check if you have real player or core player. use steps to stream to mobile.
u have different softwares for different platforms but this guide is generic and good for beginners in my opinion
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