Street Fighter 4

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Street Fighter is a very known title in arcade genere... it is popular since 1989 and has gone to a newer level... guys trust me i enjoyed every bit of it all the levels and super powers all the characters... All arcade game lovers must have followed this sequence very closely... there is a news that STREET FIGHTER 4 will be coming very soon to India... so cheers :hap2: and check this link Rumor: Street Fighter 4 coming to India with Worldwide release | - Games Blog, Gaming Blog, Gaming Reviews, Console Gaming Blog, Online Gaming Blog, Pc gaming Blog, MMORPG Blog, MMOG Blog, Mobile Gaming Blog
Please look around before starting new threads ..already some threads have been there discussing SF4....

If possible mods please merge these threads into 1 :)
I am not sure if I like the graphics very much. Its an interesting design but kinda feels dated. But anyways Street Fighter was known for its great addictive gameplay , as long as SF4 manages to replicate the gameplay of the original , it would be worth a buy. good as the graphics and character design may be, Capcom has ruined this title for us old school SF players by not including the parrying system.
This is awesome news .I used to love playing with characters Ken and Ryu. AKuma was very powerful but not easily available.

I used beat shit out of opponents using these two characters.Time to brush SF skills. :devil2:
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