ubergeek said:eBay India: STREET FIGHTER IV 4 NEW PC DVD (item 280367152935 end time 07-Jul-2009 21:09:38 IST)
is this for reallll????????????????????? :S
WTF, why would they do that!?!ashr said:i just called up Milestone Interactive. first in Chennai and then the Mumbai office. the guy in Mumbai said he's not sure if Milestone are gonna publish SF IV PC in India even though they did it for PS3 and XBox.
blitz_rox said:I have the original.Playing it now in GFW live. The game rocks!
F|0ccY said:Errrm...just an FYI.
You CAN play online by using any windows live enabled game's CD key.
No. He means only one key for all legal GFW Live titles online.Aman27deep said:u mean only 1 GFW original game required to play all games pirated for GFW titles online?