Street Fighter IV available for the PC?

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I'll have my pre-ordered copy by tomorrow morning, but will have to wait till Tuesday to play it.Can't wait!
i just called up Milestone Interactive. first in Chennai and then the Mumbai office. the guy in Mumbai said he's not sure if Milestone are gonna publish SF IV PC in India even though they did it for PS3 and XBox.
ashr said:
i just called up Milestone Interactive. first in Chennai and then the Mumbai office. the guy in Mumbai said he's not sure if Milestone are gonna publish SF IV PC in India even though they did it for PS3 and XBox.
WTF, why would they do that!?!

Oh well, glad I pre-ordered mine then.
F|0ccY said:
Errrm...just an FYI.

You CAN play online by using any windows live enabled game's CD key.

u mean only 1 GFW original game required to play all games pirated for GFW titles online?
Aman27deep said:
u mean only 1 GFW original game required to play all games pirated for GFW titles online?
No. He means only one key for all legal GFW Live titles online.
hahaha yea man... Seth's a little b**ch compared to Gill... especially Arcade Gill. now he was ridiculously hard to beat.

but then if you guys want CPU challenge just play Super Turbo. in about 6 months time you might make it past the first round.

anyway, i'm having trouble pulling off ultras on my keyboard. i'm hitting the input right but half the time, the game doesn't recognize when i press all 3 keys together. FADCs are even harder. i need to buy a stick :<
^the PS3 controllers aren't very good for Street Fighter. i'd like to see you pull off Ryu's Shoryuken -> Focus Attack Dash Cancel -> Ultra on that pad ;)
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