Street Fighter IV Benchmarking Tool [PC]

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Secret Agent Man
Yes folks. The benckmarking tool for PC is out now. It's a 396MB download. I'm downloading it right now, will report back with results. From what I gathered over the internet, it's extremely optimised (like there was any doubt). Now if we could only get an early demo. :hap2:

Quote from a blog:

So you’ll know you’re ready for any level of depth you’ll be playing very soon next month. Resolutions, Anti-Aliasing, Refresh Rates, V-Sync, Aspect, Brightness, Fixed or Variable Frame Rate, Parallel Rendering, Texture Filter, Shadows, Motion Blurr, Particles and Extra Touch Filter is all available at your use or disposal.

There are 3 pre-programmed fight scenes that comes along with the benchmark. Ryu VS Sakura, Cammy VS C. Viper and Chun-li VS Gen. :D If you think Devil May Cry 4’s PC port was excellent, you haven’t seen this yet! It’s awesomely fluid and graphically fascinating.

Link: Street Fighter IV Benchmark Tool
Benchmarked on my rig with probably every detail maxed out @1280x1024, with 8X AA & 16X AF. Getting an average frame rate of 78fps without V-Sync. It's superb. People with low end rigs will just have to tone down some details & it should run flawlessly

The graphics are stunning & the animations are dam fluid. Character models are very very polished.



Got these results at 1920x1200 8xAA 16xAF

SCORE: 8589


OS: Windows 7 Ultimate

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz

Memory: 4096MB

Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series

Display Setting: 1920x1200 60Hz 8xAA


Now I'll have to spend money on a control pad. :no: I haven't played a fighting game extensively since Mortal Kombat 3 ultimate on the Sega Megadrive.
SCORE: 11484
OS: Windows XP Professional
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7200 @ 2.53GHz
Memory: 2046MB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
Display Setting: 1024x768 85Hz
with no AA or AF ...
I CANNOT wait for this to release, brushing up my skills in Street Fighter III Third Strike.

I thought it was releasing on June 30th?
i think the official release date is 3rd july, at least according to gamersgate. are many people going to be buying this game?
I'm buying it for damn sure.

ashr said:
^luckily this game is very different from Third Strike :D Zoning ftw... no more parry crap lol

LOL, I'll still consider parrying to be the best defense system in any other SF game. :P

Let me know if your up for some SF4 when you get a copy.
spindoctor said:
i think the official release date is 3rd july, at least according to gamersgate. are many people going to be buying this game?

i'll definitely buy it. i don't see myself playing anything else once this releases for PC.

@Floccy : you know i will be :) can't wait. what i love about SF4 is that it seems to have the right balance between Super Turbo and Third Strike gameplays. it's not about hitting the big super art combos like in 3S nor is it high damage like ST.
SCORE: 8344
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
Memory: 3072MB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
Display Setting: 1680x1050 60Hz C16xQAA

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