E-sports games follows three rough concepts for matches: there's 1v1 deathmatch, 1v1 strategy and 5v5 objective-based matches. These are the concepts that are unique to gaming (ie. are not taken from real-life sports, such as football) and that all successful e-sports games try to build upon. While other forms are embraced online, such as 5v5 capture-the-flag or 4v4 team deathmatch, both of these forms lack the intuitive nature of the first-named three. A spectator will not understand the finer points of a TDM game (timing the quad) and will thus not be able to enjoy it.
For all of its flaws, CS has a very clear structure of team play - there is no amp or quad to worry about, no red armour or shield belt - there is a bomb, two bomb sites and two teams. Simple. Anyone who's seen an action movie can relate, and the finer points of throwing weapons and wearing armour and throwing flashbangs and grenades are also very clear. Yet CS is not innovative and never has been. It wasn't the first to introduce realistic weapons into a game, wasn't the first to introduce objective-based missions, but what it does have going for it in an e-sports arena is that what it tries to accomplish, it accomplishes well.
TheMask said:well. u always crib how shitty CS is and how it needs no skills.. then why dont u form a clan and participate in WCG CS as well?
stormblast said:there is no learning curve for professional games. the bar is always raised to a newer level every tourney.
qw has reached an altogether different level nowadays.Chaos said:IMHO, CPM/QW is the game that requires the most skill and has the hardest learning curve. Just a personal opinion though.
stormblast said:the more detailed the game textures & gfx are, the more screwed up the game becomes for multiplayer.
the reason cs & q3 are still popular & played is cause of this. not cause it works on all pcs, its more fun in multiplayer than the newer titles.
& aces the more detailed the game textures & gfx are, the more screwed up the game becomes for multiplayer.
I am Maurice "BurningDeath" Engelhardt. I started online gaming with Counter-Strike. I think it was Beta 5.1 or something like that. I get good very fast and after a noob clan, DkH asked me to join.With DkH we was able to get a lot of success in Germany and in Europe too, for example we won Eurocup 4. After a while I joined SK.de. We were a pretty new team and managed to get top 8 at Lanarena now known as ESWC and also getting 3rd at theWCG qualifier. Then I stopped playing CS and started UT2k3. I had always been searching for an alternative for CS because I thought a game, even if it is old, must give every player the chance to develop. In CS you reach the top level of aim in a very short period of time, you don’t need much skills to play CS. And also something really disappointed me - for example just one map pistolrounds + save rounds and of course the bad netcode. So these things made CS a very luck-based game. That’s why I quit it.
Do you think that UT is a more worthwile game than CS?
Mhh I think in UT even if there aren’t that many players and that many events I think UT is good to get used to things like timing aiming 1on1 tactics etc. I always waited for a game like Q3 in the old times which I didn’t play but always repent that I hadn’t started it. Still, I enjoy playing UT even if think that my success would have been bigger if I played CS. I love the competition and my point of view is that in a competition there have to be players which are really much better than others and I mean consistently better. And the key factor for getting better is that there have to be ways to improve your skill. So I think there are 2 parts of gamers out therenes who want to have fun while playing the game those who want to have fun while playing a game in a competition with all these thrilling aspects. Maybe that’s the reason for the success of CS that there are many players who don’t think about lan events and stuff like that. In shooters like Q3 or UT I think the main community consists of players who really love the competition. All in all, I would say yes UT is a more worthwhile game than CS
Esreality ESWC Heroes:BurnieHow does the tacticality of UT TDM compare to the tacticality in CS?
I think UT tactics are much more dynamic compared to CS maybe it’s because in CS you play the same maps for about 3 years on average. It’s getting boring I think. CS need some new maps. Finally I think there aren’t many new tactics in CS, it’s nearly the same on every map only some differences between the clans. In UT TDM you have a lot of possibilities and not just one way to play it.
UT2004 Readme said:* Unreal Tournament 2004's Internet play performance is highly
dependent on the bandwidth of your connection, the latency (ping
time), and the packet loss. The game is designed to be playable up
to 300 msec ping times, 5% packet loss, and 33.3K connection speeds.
Performance degrades heavily under worse latency, packet loss, and
bandwidth connections.
ut1 had amazing net code but that game also was popular, y, simple textures, better for professional gaming.