Study claims gamers get less sleep

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According to a recent study, gamers who play for more than seven hours a week sleep less than casual or non-gamers. The study claims to have linked a direct correlation between the number of hours played and sleepiness. During the 2009 SLEEP event, it was shown that avid gamers snooze less throughout the week and have higher rates of sleepiness.

As a whole, hardcore gamers were observed to exhibit poorer sleep habits than light gamers. On average, participants who reported that gaming interfered with their sleep slept for 1.6 hours less than other gamers. Even further, those who claimed to be addicted to gaming averaged one hour less sleep on weekdays.

While the statistics showed that admittedly addicted gamers scored higher on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, only about one third of them recognized sleep interference.

News: Study says gamers sleep less -
You dont need any Study to prove that..
I game alll through evening and reserve the night for more <ahem> <ahem>
So nearly no sleep and and general Lethargy..
And you tell me that a study needs to prove this fact
OMIGOD! People wasted so much time conducting a study over this! They could have utilized that time to play their favorite game.. How can people not understand the value of time?!
maybe the test subjects were made to play FEAR and couldnt get themselves to switch off lights and go to sleep :p
lol If we sleep less so what , we do much more than the average non gamer. They sleep while we play + work + do other activities.
Hey, the study's absolutely not true. We do get enoughhhh..........................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:fatigue:

Sleeping is waste of time, more than 6 hrs sleep a day and you are one of lazy people.

So which category do i fall into ? King of all lazy bums ? :P
No matter when I sleep but I always wake up at ~ 3:00 AM..... Then by afternoon I am sleepy as hell... :@

To be honest I am still in drowsiness... :ashamed:

I only game occasionally 4-5 times a week for ~1.5 hrs average..... Can't seem to control my sleep pattern though... Trying like anything to sleep around 11:00 pm & wake up around 6-7:00 am but can't seem to control it...
Roxtin said:
@tarey_g Sleep is never enough :P Best thing to do on a weekend is sleep all day long.

Dude you are wasting your weekends :tongue: , go out for some trekking/sports/movies/chicks/computer games/etc , many good things to do, life is short cant waste time in sleep. :hap2:
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