Suggesstions/Opinions: Samsung i5700 or i7500

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Just met a old frd after a long time, he had a i7500, was totally impressed with the phone, great screen, running Android 1.5, have never seen a capacitive touch screen before so really like the screen response...
All this for just 15-16k, tried to do my research on the phone, found that there's i5700, which it seems will be getting Android 2.0, also it has a 800 MHz proc compared to the 528 MHz in i7500
Just need some suggestion as to which one is better
Congrats on your first post. Prioritize: If you want AMOLED and LED flash, then 7500. If everything else, other than this, coupled with a speedy 800 mhz processor, then the 5700.

I would take the latter anyway.
I mainly need it for good web browsing experience and a good cam.... I dont think so LED flash makes much difference...

What about the picture quality... if both delivers the same quality (excluding the LED flash), then i5700 makes sense.. if not then need to think about it...
Aren't you guys updated?
Samsung confirmed they won't be releasing 2.1 update for the i7500. It will be freezed upto 1.6. And the i5700 is getting the 2.1 update officially soon. So I guess this clears the picture.
Though i7500 is a great performer at the price point it is available. 3.2" AMOLED capacitve screen and LED flash are incompareable at 14k. Makes good altertnative for 5800xm and other ol skool resistive display phones.
Cameras in phones... one of the things that I really think are a waste, unless they are used with cool apps like ShopSavvy or Layar. Anyway... I would buy the 15700. Oh wait, I already did. 800mhz processor makes more sense to me that a camera.

Please understand it not the megapixel that makes a difference, its the image processor. Camera phones DO NOT have a dedicated image processor, your images will ALWAYS suck. It doesn't matter it it is 3.2mp (i5700) or 5mp(i7500).

I am sure you already own a compact camera which is much better at taking pictures. Camera quality in a phone??? C'mon... get an idea already!!!
Hi Abhilash,

What u said perfectly makes sense... But i do travel often, so i need a mobile phone which has decent camera... as i can't carry camera everytime... thats why i insist a phone with good camera..

Please suggest which one to go for.... here are the price.. i can get i5700 for 12.5k and i7500 for 14k.. which one go for ?
There are 2 things to consider
1. The spica has a 800mhz processor. i7500 has a 500 something mhz processor
2. The spica will get the 2.1 upgrade. i7500 has no plans to get the upgrade

I have used the Spica's camera on occasion and it is a decently good mobile camera. While there aren't any photo options in android 1.5, but the 2.1 will fix that too.
one place where i5700 beats i7500 is processor (800mhz)

in other comparisons... 3mp vs 5mp, amoled vs TFT... 8gb vs 180 mb.. hspda(7.2mbps) vs 3.6 mbps.. i7500 scored better?

still in confusion.. as said before the price difference is just 2k now....

help required... i think one can upgrade i7500 to android 2.1 ( 528 ... Someone tell me the pros and cons..

Processor speed makes quite a big difference. Everything runs faster.

But, memory also makes a difference. More applications. 8gb VS 180mb: 180mb is only for the applications. You can put a card for things like music and movies etc. If you'd rather not buy a card then take the 7500.

As far as RAM is concerned (the memory which affects multitasking), both have 128mb right?

You shouldn't worry about the display as the LCD of the 5700 is really good and very vivid. I can easily say that it is at par with the AMOLED of the 7500.

Also from what I read in the Android Forums... the galaxy isnt doing so well. Bad reviews.
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