PC Peripherals Suggest a budget AIO Printer


Insanely Awesome!!
Looking for a cheap,reliable and easy to maintain AIO Printer for a budget of around 4-5k.

The printer would be used occasionally and not on a regular basis.

I haven't checked out the market or the reviews yet, but think that the brands I'd be looking for would be Canon and HP. Any other brand that you guys would recommend ??

Which would be the models available in the price range ?? which brand has better after sales service ? and which would be cheaper to maintain ?? (in terms of consumables and all)

Will be buying before the end of the month ... looking forward to suggestions :)
Yes, Epson AIOs do offer individual ink cartridges(the economical part of it) but their build quality and performance isn't great !

If you value performance and quality at a price, check out what Canon has to offer.

Need similar performance and ability to refill the cartridges, get an HP AIO.

Both HP & Canon have new models but availability may pose a problem.So check out what the store is offering and get back to us with the AIO models available and we'll help you select one.
Hey guys, thanks a lot for the replies :) I looked hard for the older HP models which Emil had mentioned but couldn't find them anywhere. There was a seller on eBay selling those but he said he didn't have any in stock right now and would be able to confirm only on Monday.

Since I wanted to get over with this asap, I had only 2 options left i.e the HP4288 and the Canon MP145, so decided to check them out. The local Croma had an i day offer on the Canon, where it was available for just 3000 bucks. At this price I guess it was a decent vfm package ... the fact that the croma guys and a local dealer confirmed that the Canon cartridges were much easier to refill than Hp ones(that particular model) plus the Canon onsite warranty was as good as HP, atleast in Mumbai, made me go ahead with the Canon.

So far I'm fairly satisfied with it. Specially since I got the MP145+2yrs extended warranty(total 3yrs) + 500 A4 sheets for the same price that I'd have to pay for the HP 4288 with 1yr warranty.
Hope it doesn't disappoint me in the long run :)

Once again thanx a lot to everyone who helped ... specially Emil :D

Edit : Pics here ... http://www.techenclave.com/1220868-post903.html
The F4288 uses the HP 818 series cartridges which are still relatively new and don't enjoy a good refill reputation as yet.

Enjoy your printer. All the best.
I don't have an idea of other printers. But HP is selling it's Printers really cheap and bundles a smaller size cartridge with it. Invariably, it forces you to buy it's larger expensive cartridges and you indirectly pay higher when you refill/ buy a new cartridge..